jammin (Newbee)
02-16-04 03:11
No 489022
      Spanish ephedrine and gakk     

I now have two kinds of ephedrine pills. I think they are spanish.
One is marked with the letters "Efedrina" pressed in and has a divider mark on the other side,
so it kan be slit in two. The pill is quite large, about aprox 7 mm or something.
The other kind is smaller about 4-5 mm, and has no imprint at all.
This one has two divider marks, so it can split in quarters.

Anyone have any experince with these pills?
It seems that one can extract the epehrine with dh20 only, some bees told me..

They have no coating of any kind.
I dont even kow how much ephedrine.hcl they contain...
(i was told one was 50mg and for the big ones i have no clues at all)

I tried an extration yesterday.

1. Crushed two pills
2. Ran it trough a coffe filter, and onto an evaporation dish
3.Sat the dish on a hot plate to evap the water (carefullly)
4.Took some of the powder tat was left and took a lighter and warmed it on alu foil.

All the powder went away, and there was no burnt residue, but it didn catch fire, it only came somke...

Should it combust easy?

(Hive Bee)
02-16-04 04:15
No 489027
      should not combust too easy     

if it is the hcl form of the eph then it will have a high mp if it is freebase it will be lower.strane that there was no burned residue though

The efedrina is just as likely to be italian though try google maybe you have a company name on that pill that can help you more.
02-16-04 04:19
No 489029
      Well, of course there was some discoloration...     

Well, of course there was some discoloration on the alufoil, but there wasnt any "leftovers"  after the smoke had cleared.
I dont have a company name for the pills, they came in a plasic bag of about 400 from a "friend"... cool

(Hive Bee)
02-16-04 04:25
No 489031
      if it came to you through the same route     

you said in your last pms then start asking your source just for a list of ingrediants, it is a good sign if all the extracted material burns off together shows there is probably less impurities in there even though the temp couldnt be recorded.did you notice any smell?
02-16-04 04:39
No 489036
      source dosent know...     

where they are from.... :/ he bought them a long time ago..
but its says efedrine on them, so i guess they are real...

Didnt notice any small though, but then again, i dont know how it should smell .... _frown

(Hive Bee)
02-16-04 04:45
No 489038
      i think there are some tests you can do     

on the stuff to test purity they should be in tfse
(Wonderful Personality)
02-16-04 12:21
No 489114
      water extraction doesnt work     

If these are the usual european ephedrine pills like founf in still in Turkey for example you do this:

These pills contain ephedrine and filler, the filler consisting mainly of watersoluble salts, so waterextraction is nonsense.

1. Crush your pills as fine as any possible
2. Add a good amount of DRY - anhydrous - and hot IPA or methylalcohol  and stirr for some time - the longer the better. Ever heard of "kitchen mixer"? The alcihol should be kept hot whilst doing this alternativly you can heat it from time to time/stirr/heat.....
3. Filter the HOT alcohol through a real filter, a "charmin magic power plug", or three coffeefilters. Refilter twice through the SAME filter.
4. Whats left in the filter treat like under 2. followup, with fresh alcohol of course, so you extracted the stuff three times with hot dry alcohol in the end. Use always the same filter as before.
5. Evaporate your alcohol from the three extractions (this will be a rather big amount) and and voilaŽ: Ephedrine.HCl

Yields on ephedrine/filler pills are 95%.
Waterfree alcohol is a MUST be here.
The longer you mix, the better you grind the better are the results.
Time and patience are the keys.

Shareholder of Paranoid Fucks inc.
(Hive Bee)
02-16-04 12:35
No 489117
      could u describe the     

usual pills org just what they look like.
02-17-04 06:01
      Thanks! I've found a otc source for IPA, but...
(Rated as: UTFSE!)
(Hive Bee)
02-17-04 11:28
No 489363
      re: otc ipa     

shake it. is there imulsions? could be detergents in there.
(Wonderful Personality)
02-17-04 12:41
No 489378
      IPA is not blue     

for IPA drying:

Shareholder of Paranoid Fucks inc.
02-26-04 04:41
      I now have distilled my blue IPA and dried it...
(Rated as: UTFSE!)