jackhole (Hive Bee)
02-21-04 03:16
No 490130
      HOW THEY MAKE ICE     

Jack was shown how ice is made.  The raw powder, uncut, is barely dissolved in hot alcohol and gently misted above with a light spray of liquid nitrogen.  The alcohol is close to its boiling point.  Upon contact with the nitrogen, the meth in the alcohol literally crystallizes instantly into the large crystals that everyone wonders how to make.  The spraying only takes a few minutes.  This is how one major Mexican DTO does it, and their product is superb.

I hope to have photographs in a few days.  On another note, I have read many posts where bees claim to grow large crystals.  Take pictures of them!  Let's see who can come up with the largest or most interesting crystals.

Post 476977 (wareami: "Jackhole pics", Stimulants) shows a couple of the largest crystals Jack has grown in the same matter that sugar crystals are grown.  Any bees think they can top the size of those, beecause I'd love to see it! C'mon. cool

Jizzy Jizzy Bang Bang
(Hive Bee)
02-21-04 09:44
No 490180

hope these work, don't have time to spend on it if they don't.

Mr Clump in the light

Mr Clump

This was about the size of a silver dollar in a candle vase/beaker

(Hive Bee)
02-21-04 11:06
No 490184
      H-H-H-HOLY SHIT!     

Those are the most beautiful and uniform crystals I have ever seen!  How'd you grow them so uniformly?  Amazing, simply amazing... I'm at a loss for words... tongue

Jizzy Jizzy Bang Bang
02-21-04 19:34
No 490310
      uh huh     

ill get back to you on this challenge.
keep up the good work!
02-22-04 16:16
No 490472
      Cold as ice?     

If my memory serves me correctly you can make liquid nitrogen.
Liquid N is made in bulk from the the fractional distillation of liquid air. The basic process involves cooling air to below the boiling point of all the component gases and gradually raising the temperature to allow the boiling off, and subsequent removal, of each gas in turn.
In the case of air, the components boil off in this order:
Carbon dioxode solidifies at -78 C, so it is easily removed
Once the evolved gas, or fraction, has been seperated it can then be cooled down again to make it liquid.
When In Doubt.......MUMBLE
02-22-04 23:18
No 490550
      Is it possible to substitute the Nitrogen with     

Is it possible to substitute the Nitrogen with Argon or CO2? This sounds like a good method but Argon and sometimes CO2 are easily obtained for welding with no credentials
02-23-04 00:27
No 490557

I suppose you could substitute; but if Credentials?? is what you are worried about, worry no more.  As Nitrogen is just as obtainable with no shows.  For example, one might approach a particular store that has Nitro and explain that your college is doing a science fair experiment and their donation would be appreciated in the form of 'recognition" as to their business at the college.  It's been my experience that they will gladly oblige.
It's amazing what a pretty smile and thank you can do.smile
(Hive Martyr)
02-24-04 16:26
No 490894
      liquid nitrogen     

is used as a specimen preserver in livestock breeding. It's expensive as a motherfucker and they just may make you jump through their hoops, but living in my area bull spooge breeders are everywhere. Shit theres so many dairies it sickens me.
02-24-04 17:04
No 490902
      gum remover     

Wouldnt gum remover work just as well?  Or is there something in this that would fuck up the shit.  To me, it sounds like a cheap alternative to a huge fucking tank of nitrogen, or argon.  And those pics are fucking sweet!smile

They say you have the right to remain silent, but you have no rights.
(Hive Bee)
02-25-04 00:56
No 490976
      Not sure what properties     

Well, have you compared the properties of liquid nitrogen and gum remover?  I wouldn't risk botchingn a batch by misting it with gum remover any day.  Just giving you the heads up.

Jizzy Jizzy Bang Bang
(Hive Addict)
02-25-04 02:08
No 490981
      Gum Remover     

Swim checked into an MSDS on gum remover and seen that it consisted of an isobutane/propane mix. That shouldn't really adulturate the product?

A second MSDS, showed a mix of dimethyl ether and 1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane (HFC 134a) The formulations will differ depending on brand.

What about freon?

02-25-04 19:58
No 491142

........apart from producing larger crystals which is fine but not necessary, I have always wondered why people are excited about this and other methods like Labtop's for instance that removes H2o over a long duration of controlled cooling etc.
It remains the molecule 'methamphetamine hcl' and as such will be unchanged in its effect on the user given a measured dose, regardless of how you alter it's presentation. Unless I am missing something?...could happen lol.cool Is it a market oriented thing?

Regards, Hematite.
(Hive Bee)
02-25-04 21:21
No 491160
      So it'll sell     

People won't buy powder where I live because they can't smoke it, and most of them won't even buy small crystals.  Huge crystals, in excess of 1 gram, are the norm, by which all others are judged.  I'd say that 75% of the meth users in my town smoke the stuff.

Jizzy Jizzy Bang Bang
(Hive Addict)
02-26-04 00:18
No 491179
      Yes, strictly market oriented     

Swim agrees with you Hematite that it is strictly market oriented. Powder smokes just fine.

There are alot of fresh, inexperienced users. Swim believes they are exactly that. Most of Swim's friends/acquaintances are hip to the fact that most of the shards are of the imitation MSM type variety and that "some" powder will bee far more potent then MOST of the street shards.

But for the majority that are yet unaware; the bigger the shard the quicker the wallet opens, or harder they suck. crazy

(Stoni's sexual toy)
02-26-04 00:18
No 491180
      This just proves that most meth users are...     

This just proves that most meth users are dumbasses. I wonder if it is genetic? It sure enough cannot be drug related since meth hasn't turned me into an idiot (yet).

I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.
(Hive Bee)
02-26-04 00:47
No 491183

Powder smokes just fine.

Well true, but try telling that to your average user with no chemistry background.  I know people with college degrees in chemistry who use meth and won't use powder because "I can't smoke it, and I don't know what's in it."  If they are big, clear crystals, to them, that is pure meth.  They (nearly everyone) claims one can tell if a cutting agent is present by the clarity and size of the crystals; the clearer and bigger the crystals are, the purer the meth is.  Another popular myth in my neck of the woods is that an acetone wash will remove all cuts.

Jizzy Jizzy Bang Bang
(Hive Bee)
02-26-04 05:07
No 491225
      Crystal size     

They (nearly everyone) claims one can tell if a cutting agent is present by the clarity and size of the crystals; the clearer and bigger the crystals are, the purer the meth is.

Crystal size has no relation to purity of the product!  

Post 453513 (Osmium: "Just wanted to add that crystal size, or ...", Stimulants)

These college guys are wrong.  Swim can see the aesthetic value of looking at a big diamond, but who gives a fuck if it is powder or shards as long as it produces the desired effect?

absorb what is useful, reject what is useless
(Hive Bee)
02-26-04 05:14
No 491228
      And in two secs it ends up as the identical...     

but who gives a fuck if it is powder or shards as long as it produces the desired effect?

And in two secs it ends up as the identical pool in the pipe....or dissolved for IV
(Of Counsel)
02-26-04 07:27
No 491246
      yes, but...     

The fact that crystals size does not demonstrate purity does not mean that you should skip the recrystallizing step while making meth. Recrystallizing the meth does help remove what impurities remain and gives you cleaner and better dope.

Big or small size is not the point. It is doing the crystallizing itself that gets that last bit of trash out of the product.

mostly harmless
(Talks too much)
02-26-04 12:06
No 491272
      That, my friend, is a statement of high ...     

>>It sure enough cannot be drug related since meth
>>hasn't turned me into an idiot (yet).


Must... not... comment.

"TinyURL.com!" is what his girlfriend says, giggling, every time he puts it to her.
(Of Counsel)
02-26-04 14:14
No 491296


I passed on that one, Buster. It was too obvious.

I just had to leave it for you.

mostly harmless
02-26-04 15:00
No 491306
      in a dream of re-crys:     

once upon a time, swimmy had some not quite right powder, which  he dissolved in near boiling water, drop-wize, adding onl one extra drop; followed by several drops of acetone.

looking real close at this little puddle, swim could see all this wiggly motion...it reminded him of brownian motion on a larger scale...and the motion was carrying tiny particles of crud to the outside perimeter of the puddle. this was mere seconds beefore the liquid beecame not liquid.

may have been strictly a gravity related phenomenae, except for the wigglyness.
(Hive Addict)
02-26-04 20:08
No 491337
      How about this?     

After recrystalization i throw the shards in a mortar and grind them to a very fine powder.  I do this because i use a little stainless steel spoon and got tired of trying to get the shards to the pipe without dropping them. It is also makes it easier to eyeball the correct dose.

It wasn't Me!
(Hive Bee)
02-27-04 14:17
No 491517
      Don't know about the Meskins but here's how...     

Don't know about the Meskins but here's how the hands in Texas might do it or at least thats what swim has heard anyway.They take their N/P containing the FB and drop or adjust the ph to somewhere between a 9-10.They then take the NP/FB solution and pour into a suitable container such as Pyrex or Visionware and set that in the middle of a good size cooler. They then pack dry ice/carbon dioxide/co2 along with rock salt/sodium chloride/NaCl around the container.Then the drain plug on the side of the cooler is opened to assure proper venting while the lid on top is closed.The CO2/NaCl mixture will considerably slow down the rate of which the NP evaporates which in return yields the crystals.Of course swim does not engage in such activity.
(Hive Bee)
02-27-04 14:51
No 491525

Is that a missprint? Or is there a reason for the ph 9-10.

I think i like it!