SQUIDIPPY (formless fortitude?)
03-05-04 19:32
No 493328
      Checking for the presence of Newest Gak     

Well, as most may be aware, the dreaded new Gak, has hit the scene. The latest and greatest that they have to offer is indeed some very nasty stuff. The stuff is very stealth. Virtually odorless, colorless, and tasteless. But, S/D is attacking the problem with his usual relentless approach.
S/D can tell you how to test for the presence of this miserable stuff.
But, you say, “If it’s odorless, colorless and tasteless, then how can this bee done”?
Very simple, after you have extracted your pfed, take a marble sized “pinch”, while it’s still damp with solvent.  Now roll it into a small ball. Continue to roll it between your fingers. After a minute or two it will begin to dry. If it holds in the ball form, you’re Gaked. If it begins to flake and crumble away, congratulations, you have removed the nasty.

Two wrongs don't make a right. But, three rights, make a left !!
(Fragile ego)
03-05-04 21:26
No 493345
      isn't it to late at that point :-P ;-)     

isn't it to late at that point tonguewink

http://www.democracynow.org/ - The Exception to the Rulers
(Hive Bee)
03-05-04 22:44
No 493354

Now, what are we gonna call it?
Swik hasn't been here long enough to start naming things.
(Hive Addict)
03-06-04 00:29
No 493366
      Gassing Gakk     

Swis reserves the EXCLUSIVE right to hereby name it, "The Gassing Gakk."

Can't say Swis didn't provide the cure...

Edit: FUCK YOU DEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fail To Act; Prepare For Draft mad
03-06-04 00:33
No 493367
      I've been calling it GODDAMNIT.     

I've been calling it GODDAMNIT. A long (15+ minute)boil in 90% acetone / 10% Japan Dryer (Thanks Geeze and Ware) before boiling in Xylene and Naptha, then again in acetone only, dry completely, then straight to E seems to clean generic 120's well with approximately 50% yield. Only reacted once and other complications prevent a clear analysis.
  I saw a used centrifuge for sale. Anyone here used one for pill extractions
(Hive Addict)
03-06-04 00:43
No 493369
      Washing Machine     

A washing machine will work as a centrifuge, but out of all the complicated boils, soaks etc. Why waste your fucking time?

Better hope the patriots vote in YOUR favor, next year. Personally, doubt it.

Suit up, lock and load....


Fuck you Kollicoat, YOUR days are numbered! LOL

Refuse/Resist  Representing "81" Now what? motherfuckers...
(formless fortitude?)
03-06-04 01:45
No 493387

Well, basically it's just new improved Orange Gak II, minus the Orange.
So, actually it would bee, Orange Gak III, but one could call it simply O-III, or G-III, or OG-III.

Oooppsssss, I don't think that "G-3", is a very good one! And I think, any of you bees who have been around, know what I mean!!

Two wrongs don't make a right. But, three rights, make a left !!
(Fragile ego)
03-06-04 05:25
No 493410
      Now, what are we gonna call it?     

Now, what are we gonna call it?

Might as well call it what it is, Eudragit-E.RTM

Or maybee EudraShitlaugh

http://www.democracynow.org/ - The Exception to the Rulers
(formless fortitude?)
03-06-04 06:54
No 493427
      how about     

I do believe that they are feeling pretty comfortable with this one, so How about we call it, "The Gak"

Two wrongs don't make a right. But, three rights, make a left !!
(Hive Addict)
03-06-04 06:55
No 493428
      the new ______ on the block     

ever since I referred to it as the new bitch-gakk on the block that's what I've been mentally calling it.

I lifted the bitch part from weaz1dls's post Post 492966 (weaz1dls: "Geez", Stimulants) which directly preceded my debut usage of the term Post 492967 (ChemoSabe: "Aside from the cranium busting lab books ...", Stimulants)

I've also thought of it as the confused freebase gakk

erections lasting longer than four hours, though rare, require immediate medical attention
(Hive Bee)
03-06-04 12:49
No 493474

Well Orange left an orange tinge in the acetone.
Geez said that 'the new gakk' leaves a violet tinge in the rinse acetone.

So..... how 'bout.....

....(wait for it).....



Some believe that pseudo-ephedrine can be used to relieve nasal congestion