kidclean (Stranger)
03-13-04 22:34
No 494972
      Help me get my pseudo back please!     

Greets all:

In preperation for SWIK's first LWR, he decided that there's no such thing as too-clean pseudo.

SWIK had about 20 grams of "clean" psuedo.  He had extracting a bunch of generic 120s via the tetra trap method.  He had also done 3 x NaOH and 1 x distilled H2O washes of the pseudo (and removed a grey emulsion, thanks Geez!).  But being the paranoid type and not wanting *any* emulsions or GAKK-related post-workup problems, he decided that he'd expose the freebase crystals to the Japan Drier thingy.

SWIK took a 200ml solution of Japan Drier/Tetra (20ml/180ml), warmed it, and threw his 20g of freebase crystals in a waited an hour or so.  He then filtered out the crystals and washed them with acetone until they were pristinely white once again.

Well, SWIK's got nice white pseudo crystals, but only about 5 grams worth!!  Surely the other 15g of what SWIK thought was psuedo isn't all GAAK?!

So how does SWIK recover his other 15g of psuedo?  He's got a 750ml solution consisting of about 550ml acetone, 20ml of Japan Drier and 180ml of tetra.  SWIK knows he could just evapoate the whole mess, but he's concerned about the napthalic (sp?) salts.  Aren't heavy metal salts of cobalt, etc., poisonous?  Wouldn't evaporating the entire solution result in some heavy metal salts?  How could SWIK possibly seperate the psuedo from the heavy metal salts?

SWIK tried putting the solution in the freezer for a couple of hours hoping the psuedo would crystalize, but no such luck.

SWIK thinks, though, that the Japan Drier migrates towards the bottom of the solution if left undisturbed for a couple of hours.  He can see what appears to be two layers, the bottom 1/8" of his beaker appears to be a different color (almost white) than the rest of the solution (purplish brown) when left in the freezer for a couple of hours.

Advice anyone??



On the hill the stuff was laced with kerosene
But yours was kitchen clean
(Hive Addict)
03-14-04 04:08
No 495017
      Fb is slightly soluable in acetone     

You should wash fb crystals with dh20.  Acetone dissolves pseudo so the 5g of crystals you got may not bee pseudo at all.

It wasn't Me!
(Hive Addict)
03-14-04 07:15
No 495045
      The Acetone Bandit     

Shorty is right about the tone!
Acetone will hold more pfed than some suspect.
Especially clean pfed!
Everything was saved RIGHT????
Okay good!wink
Evap everything! All washings...especially the tone and see what's ware!
Nothing will be in the tetra/jd so that can be discarded

a little less conversation, a little more reaction
03-14-04 09:56
No 495073
      The Acetone Bandit     


> Everything was saved RIGHT????
> Okay good!
> Evap everything! All washings...especially the tone and > see what's ware!
> Nothing will be in the tetra/jd so that can be discarded

Yes, everything was saved, but the acetone washings were combinded (Doh!) *with* the tetra solution.  And they appear to be miscible.  I'm concerned that evaporting the entire solution will leave heavy metal cobalt salts in my psuedo.  I don't want to poison anybody, especially me!

Note to self #23,343:  It's okay to use acetone to wash psuedo salt, but not to wash freebase crystals; use distilled water instead.

Note to self #23,344:  Don't be so damn lazy and use seperate containers to hold hold rinse and cleaning solutes.  You've come too far and worked too hard to be lazy at this point in the game.


On the hill the stuff was laced with kerosene
But yours was kitchen clean
(Hive Addict)
03-14-04 10:46
No 495090

Extract the goodz back from the tetra with 20ml pulls each time using denatured alky.
Add 20ml denat and shake! Let separate then pull the alky layer. Put alky/pfed through fine filtration(charminplug) and evap.
Scrape up xtals and Be sure to wash this with acetone several times til xtals are white.
Save the tone collections til the very end. Combine and Evap tone washings one more time and rewash once more for max yield!

For future reference...always bring the FB to salt before additional cleaning that involves alcohol!

a little less conversation, a little more reaction