place (Hive Bee)
05-27-04 17:16
No 509938
      Almost pure ephedrine     


SWIM did a extraction of some nonsuper gakked ephedrine pills, extracted with MeOH/IPA, boiled servael times in NP and one final acetone boil. Now SWIM had 12g ephedrine, he tried to burn a little sampel on some foil, after the ephedrine was evap, a little "something" was left on he foil  tongue

Ups thougt SWIM, the ephedrine isn't 99% pure, but almost. SWIM did a keyplunkning, but out of the 12g., SWIM only got 3,5g return crazy

In the meantime, SWIM had performed another extraction from the pills, crushed the pills, boiled 3 times in Xylene and once in acetone. Dried and extracted with dry and hot IPA.

SWIM took a little ephedrine from the "keyplunking batch" and did the foil test. Only a discoloured stain was left. He tried to do the same with the new extracted ephedrine, again a little "something" was left.

SWIM don't wanna lose all his ephedrine again, doing a/b. Is there a easiere way to removed the last tiny dirty  piceces from the ephedrine powder? How much will gakk affect the reaction in LWR?
(Of Counsel)
05-27-04 20:17
No 509953

You extracted, then did solvent boils. Next time do the solvent boils, then extract with alcohol. At first this sounds backwards, but it really isn't. We want to leave the E there until it can extracted cleanly. So clean the trash out, then extract.

I don't know what you used to freebase your E to ker plunk. The E still has to be there somewhere.  Either you didn't get it based enough, or you didn't extract the freebase with the naptha. I suggest you go back to the polar layer and add more base, and extract with another solvent, such a xylene or tolulene. That might find some of your missing E.

Final cleaning? Why not recrystallize?

mostly harmless
(Hive Bee)
06-10-04 16:20
No 512585
      How much, thats say Xylene, is necessary to...     

How much, thats say Xylene, is necessary to use when extraction 25g ephedrine with the a ker plunk methode?
(Hive Bee)
06-11-04 03:05
No 512666
      read geezmeister's post's.     

And you will find your answer's.Or Search on kerplunk.There is many variations so read Geez's and take your pick.They are all good some are better than others re Geez's are the best.