thunderfvck (Stranger)
06-22-04 07:24
No 514732
      Naptha and nothing but. Freebase pseudo to HCl.     

Okay. I am fed up. I am quite tired, and need to get the wheels in motion. I have searched my ass off, and though I have gotten answers, I still have questions, so here we go.

I CANNOT find toluene/xylene. It's like trying to jerk off at your grandmother's house, it just isn't going to happen no matter how hard I try.

I can find naptha. But my naptha is camping fuel, no VM&P fancy rubish for me. It is not coleman's, it is simply camping fuel which states as having naptha petrolleum distillates on the back.

SO. I extracted the freebase with the tetra trap. Nice crystals. But I am too frightened for a freebase reaction so I would prefer to get the pseudo HCl and react that.

However. My initial plan was to dissolve the freebase in naptha, add some water, and titrate. Gasing? Haven't read about it. But I have reasons for this - soon to be mentioned. Anyways, so I tried dissolving the freebase in naptha and discovered nothing dissolved at all. Well, apparently anyway, from my humane perspective. So I have read that boiling naptha will dissolve it, and then one should follow this by the a/b using gasing. Well here is the problem, wouldn't the freebase precipitate out upon cooling? I am not superman and though I can ejaculate in mere seconds I cannot gas fast enough to get all the HCl. Surely some FB would come out and I'd look at it and say, hey, yeah, looks like some snowy goodness, FILTER. This can't be very good.

Unless, the undissolved FB will react with the HCl and form the salt?

Confusion, and no direct answers to this question despite the searchings.

This is why I wanted to add water, knowing that the HCl salt is soluble in water at about 2 g/ml at room temperature (this sounds a bit exagerated, can anyone verify?). So while I'm titrating, as opposed to gasing, all the salt that comes out will dissolve into the water and the snowy weather up north will not confuse me as to whether or not it's actually the salt.

I then plan on heating the collected water to the foreskin and crashing out the HCl with dry acetone.

Did I mention that I am very frightened? I don't want to lose my preciousness here and am afraid to experiment, so I was hoping that perhaps some of you kind gentlemen would have the answers I have been seeking.

Alternatively, is it possible to simply add the FB to water, then add HCl and do the foreskin deal to collect the HCl? Obviously the A/B has it's advantages in terms of purity of the end product, but I was wondering if it was in fact possible.

On a final note, you may find it amusing that I am attempting to distill xylene from fuck-off and it does not look good. Slower than a whore on her way to church, a joke which I stole from someone else. Pardon me.

Anyays, any help is appreciated. I just hope I'm not labeled with the UTFSE, and if which I am, it looks like things will be delayed and I'll be sleeping like a sex deprived nympho without hands.

Anyways, again, thanks guys.

Edit, edit!!:

Just for the beauty of it, any numbers one can plug into this equation? How much FB per naptha, how much water, and how much HCl to add? Lazy? Yes I am! Feel free to shun me with offending comments, they bounce off of me like semen on a priest. Seriously though, the water one should be easy, 2 g/ml...Naptha..add until saturated, assuming the undisolved FB will react just as well...HCl, depends on how much pseudo..Ah, look at that backspace button, so close, and yet so far...The only thing that's stopping me is that semen priest joke, everyone has to see that, it was pretty good. Because, you know, they're holy and against facials, so the semen would have the courage to say, "no, this isn't right..." and would deflect from the face of the holiest of holies. Ahhh...fuck it, where's that beer..
(Hive Bee)
06-22-04 09:09
No 514737
      wash your freebase throughly with water then...     

wash your freebase throughly with water then what swim would do is.
Put your freebase into a jar that can have the lid screwed on tightly so it can be shaken up.
Cover enough water over it and add drops of hcl, say bout 6 drops per gram, then shake it like no tommorow. If all the FB hasnt dissolved yet add a few more drops and shake like hell some more. Keep doing this till its all dissolved.
Then if the water is couldy you can filter till clear or just evap for your pseudo HCL.
06-22-04 09:18
No 514738
      Yes, I had tried this and I noticed that the...     

Yes, I had tried this and I noticed that the FB had dissolved upon addition of HCl, which makes sense.

So why all the huss and fuss over the A/B? Is it purely the fact that the newly formed salt that pops from solution is free from the possibly contaminated solution? And this in turn starts it off "fresh" so to speak rather than still in solution possibly surrounded by the evil gaks?

Ah, I see.

So I suppose I shouldn't even bother with gassing/titrating the naptha if this will work. Provided of course I recrystallize my salt a couple of times..The pills I have aren't all that dirty anyway, essentially white 60's with a complex of things of which I believe the tetra took care of. Hmm. Work in = work out, right?

[edit]I just read the gakinator thread and learned about how one could sublime freebase. I'll be getting right on this one. Now, sublimed pseudo should be deadly clean. SO clean that A/B shouldn't even be required, yes? And so I can jump straight to shooting it into water aiming for ph -46, yes? YES? [/edit]

I'll give it to tomorrow, and see what amounts in this discussion.

Thanks for the reply, BTW.
(Hive Addict)
06-23-04 06:07
No 514897
      Re: wash your freebase throughly with water...     

wash your freebase throughly with water

very very very cold water.

06-23-04 07:31
No 514916
      Thanks for the help guys, but the wonderful...     

Thanks for the help guys, but the wonderful geez has informed me that I could substitute odorless mineral spirits or mineral turpentine as an alternative to the toluene/xylene. Wonderful. Looks like I'll be gasing these fuckers after giving them a good soak. THank god. Things are happening, the wheels are spinning. Thanks all!