07-05-04 22:15
No 517703
hypophosphorous how to tell?
first post...please dont fukk with too hard...swim has recently got a bottle with a gold colored liquid and was assured it was hypo/p/a...me being a newbee how can i be sure...is there a noncomplicated test to find out
(Hive Addict)
07-06-04 00:36
No 517723
Testing for hypo
2 different ways that I am aware of to tell if SWIY got burned from some scandalous street tweeker.
You can prefire with I2 to see if it reacts or you can take a sample of your "supposed" hypo, add a touch of sulfuric acid to it. SO2 (sulfur dioxide gas should bee released) and elemental sulfur should drop to the bottom.
At least that is what Geez said when he schooled Swim.
07-06-04 04:22
No 517745
hypo...how to tell
thanks scottydog...couldnt beat the price "0" where is that fuken respirator,anyway