BlackBmw1 (Stranger)
07-07-04 14:37
No 518010

is there a way where one can tell what chemical pills are soaking in if they cant tell by the smell of chemical.. , ??
and what steps should be taken so one does not make mistake knowsthey are 120's hcl ..crazycrazy

I Am A Information Junky.. Knowledge Is Power
(Minister of Propaganda)
07-07-04 17:26
No 518059
      mr information junky     

how do you manage to come across a container of pills soaking in an unidentifyed solvent?

Milk rots your brain.
07-07-04 18:25
No 518073

steal them from the cook!

07-07-04 21:25
No 518089
      no no     

no no bee's friends girlfriend, put things away thinking the boyfriend doesn't share ,so she hid them all in one box not knowing what's what, and  silly bee's friends didn't expect things to be moved and cause bee was experimenting with a couple of solvents, now bee's friends girlfriend don't know which is which and this beebee, aint to experience things like that, so just wandering if he just a/b   everything maybe might help or ...just weight for hive bee's or any bee's to help....moral of this story always mark your bottles and solvents..crazycrazyfrown

I Am A Information Junky.. Knowledge Is Power
(Hive Addict)
07-07-04 23:20
No 518116
      just toss it away     

illiterates shouldn't play with chemicals
Post 309268 (Rhodium: "Meth related posts go in the STIMULANTS forum!", Newbee Forum)

He always lied while on the earth and now he's lying in it
(Hive Addict)
07-08-04 05:27
No 518161
      Does it matter???     

One can probably safely assume that the solvent/combo in question is a common solvent used in extraction so that narrows down the choices of what can be done.
First check the pH of the liquid(could be standard or modified a/b if no solvent smell is detected.)
If not an a/b, Just pour off the solvent and evap some on a watchglass and see what materializes.
If Pinwheels, then evap all the solvent and collect the feedstock! Rehit the GUPs with alky until all is collected.
The pillmass should be spread out and completely dried to remove any ???solvent??? residual after pouring off solvent.
Either use alky to extract the pillmass and determine after evap if further cleaning is necessary(more than likely).

Or just A/B the Pillmass to recover what's recoverable.
Further clean-up will need to be considered after getting the raw feedstock away from the binders/crap, most likely.
But you'll be relatively homefree.

If there is no solvent smell at all coming from the liquid/Pillmass assume an a/b was being done and check the pH. Finish the a/b.
Could be h2o too if non-DMF pills were used. If so the initial sample evap will tell the tale.

Remember, it's not,
"Hi, how are you?" it's
"How high are you?"