kodak (Stranger)
07-22-04 02:43
No 520700
      Miracle Grow  Bookmark   

Can you use miracle grow to make dope.  I have done the red phosphurours and the andhydraous way. someone told me bout miracle grow. is it true.when i am talking bout dope i mean meth.

(Hive Bee)
07-22-04 03:22
No 520714
      wtf is miracle grow??? and what is in it? -AC  Bookmark   

wtf is miracle grow???
and what is in it?


Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
07-22-04 04:20
No 520723
      Depending on the NPK  Bookmark   

Depending on the NPK of the miracle-gro that you use, it very well could increase yields in a hydroponic or potted cannibis operation.  You may want to look into drip irrigation if you have a large scale outdoor operation, miracle-gro could help you in this situation also.  Drip irrigation coupled with miracle-gro injection into the drip line could most definately increase yields in your operation.

Why do I get the feeling you were somehow pondering the idea of turning water soluble plant food into meth-amphetamine.  Hmmm.... in that case you may want to search somewhere else for the Raid and Vicks methods of methamphetamine synthesis.

I am just kidding, use the search engine, and you will learn many ways to synth your desired end product..



     Unipolar Mania, It's good for life... laugh
(Hive Bee)
07-22-04 06:55
No 520750
      IMO for an outdoor grow you have two options,...  Bookmark   

IMO for an outdoor grow you have two options,   drain a beaver pond and make mounds for the plants, use time release ferts (no miracle grow).   or grow in baskets full of promix, fert with time release ferts and hydro nutes.

miracle grow is for soil only and doesn't contain the nutrients needed for soilless (promix)