cycosyince (Newbee)
07-30-04 07:10
No 522640
      I have a dream     

With the precursor problems one has, along with the suprises that unfortunately abound, i.e. orange gak, scary casheirs, lack of any yeilds...(WTF?!?!?!) I have to shout out about the novel and DOABLE way to offset such a bummer from taking foot.
 Mormon tea, and Ma huang seeds. Now they are slow growing and require arid environments UNLESS you acclimate them to different types of environments. Plants are not above a different way of living, and once they are brought into an environment and acclimated they often do suprisingly well. This goes for ephedra spiecies too. The plant is geared to survive in arid and harsh environments.
It is easier to teach a plant to live in MORE favorable settings, rather than trying to get a wussy plant to grow some harsh climate balls. SEE where this train is going? Just like pot, or morning glory, EPHEDRA plants can be trained to grow more abundantly, and in much broader climate ranges.
 If half the folks at this site made a half serious attempt, I can safely say that there would be a noted albeit FAVORABLE difference in the availibility of psudo and ephed inside of ten years. And face it, in ten years it will probably be easier to NOT have any dope than to consider the necessary items , ingredients and labor to produce a batch of questionable potency or a worthwhile yeild.
 If the precoursors grow along the interstate NATIONALLY, it is harder to uh REGULATE it, easier to fucking obtain it RIGHT? We should stop chasing the "only source of pill stock" in favor of engineering an inexaustable source, climate notwithstanding, and consistancy in the cook maintained, without question. DO YOU LIKE YOUR VICE OF CHOICE?
 A little work now would really benefit in the long run. Or are you happy fighting the crap, paranoia pill purchases, and fucked up results when you least expect or can afford... Put that green thumb to work for REAL people! get that Johnny fucking Appleseed mentality going! IT WOULD CAN AND WILL WORK, BUT you HAVE TO ALSO!
oR LEARN TO BE CONTENT WITH THE FUCKED UP POSE ON THE HORIZON. Peace out, lets try it. ANY TAKERS? give me some love here!cool
Botany wise folks
garden savy peeps
people who love the idea of large scale fucking of the authority and the thought of creating such a change in the way things are, and even reading about it 15 years from now.
I have confidence that this site has those who can make this happen! Constructive criticism, bring it along. Pessimistic "why bother" attitudes stay in your half empty shell and post about somthing else.

Bad karma, "Ma, don't buy the car, its a freekin lemon!"
07-30-04 14:57
No 522698
      Botanic sorcery in the Stimulants Forum     

I was reading the following in your post:

If the precoursors grow along the interstate NATIONALLY, it is harder to uh REGULATE it, easier to fucking obtain it RIGHT?

That statement, combined with the rest of the rather incoherent message you are trying to spread, makes we wonder if you really want to spread Ma Huang into the wild. I don't think this is a funny idea, certainly not very insightful. Rather stupid, actually. Ask some of the Australians why these ideas are not too brilliant. They have plenty of experience.

There's no business like war business
(Hive Bee)
07-30-04 15:25
No 522702
      Depends on the effect of spreading such a...     

Depends on the effect of spreading such a plant around the states of Oz on the farmers and crops, natural flora and fauna etc....

Its nice to have the plants right there for you but think about it.... the enviroment gets everybody fired up.... you plant/spread something forign and create another unwanted pest you will end up really really on the bad side of alot of people.

And besides, the farmers here in oz have it hard enough as it is.... not even cloud seeding is working for the poor bastards.....


Its just my opinion, but no-one listens to me anyway, and rightly so...
(Hive Addict)
07-30-04 16:59
No 522716
      It's Native     

It's native of enough areas and zones of the US that there should really be no need to get it spread around.

It's already there if you know where to look.

Geography quiz answer - Albania
(Hive Bee)
07-30-04 20:01
No 522742

Swip thinks that some of the desert region's in AUZ could do with many type's of plants just to stop soil erosion, Because yes, The desert is geting bigger all the time and some evergreen plants might just improve itcrazy

Ask no question's, and i will tell no lies.
07-31-04 01:13
No 522787
      yes it is native     

and because of it being native alot more of it would benifit those who have problems getting it. I feel for oz, everything that was brought there has fucked it up. YES I am aware of the environmental implications, and I am also quite aware of the OZ situation. Cane toads, cats, pigs, rabbits, etc. yadda. Mormon tea is native in the U.S.

Bad karma, "Ma, don't buy the car, its a freekin lemon!"
(Hive Bee)
07-31-04 07:23
No 522873
      MY thoughts exactly.     

SWIM lives in a place with millions of these "weeds" surrounding him. Now he knows why he had a familliar odor when he used to torch the ones in his back yard ( this did not kill them either) tough plant, thinking of going harvesting this weekend, need some research on desired plant parts
 figure the leaves and roots?  roots can stay cause they are in a nasty soil (mostly rock) Mormon Tea  LOL
fuckin feds and the pill gakk
 fuck our pills  OK  we will just use the damned weeds !!
(Hive Bee)
07-31-04 07:28
No 522876
      species "nevadensis"     

Ephedra nevadensis.  LOL SWIM's still in a bit of shock to find this out, SWIM is a horticulturist and loves plants, never bothered to find out what that ugly unkillable weed shrub in his back yard was, sew a link on Erowid with a picture, almost fell out of the chair!
results coming soon, going to take truck out forn a drive, hell people will pay u here to get rid of these things !