wtpadgett1978 (Stranger)
08-29-04 20:05
No 528195
      stupid newbee mistake     

I left my I crystals in d-H2O and they disappeared.  How do I reverse this retarded episode that I have created, I tried a search and  couldn't find anything.  Plz help.
(Wizard Master)
08-29-04 20:15
No 528197
      I2 Solubility?     

I2 has a solubility in water of 0.034 grams per 100 mls of water. Therefore not all the I2 should dissolve? Even if you put 1/2 gram of I2 crystals in 1000 mls (1Lt) of water, the I2 crystal should not all dissolve?
(Hive Bee)
08-29-04 20:20
No 528198

i hope it wasn't HOT water? crazy

08-29-04 20:21
No 528199
      stupid newbee mistake     

Not real sure what happened, I kinda now figured that it is a dh2o wash not a soak, I had about 3-4 inches of xstals in the bottom of a 2 liter bottle and covered to about half full with dh20 and it sat for about 2-3 hours.  It was from a 9.4% pint.  I have fluid waiting for the correction to my stupidity.
08-29-04 20:22
No 528200
      stupid newbee mistake     

dh2o was room temp.
(Hive Bee)
08-29-04 23:38
No 528225
      Just pour out all the water on an evap dish...     

Just pour out all the water on an evap dish and evap it all

Your an individual just like everyone else
(Hive Bee)
08-30-04 05:33
No 528253
      might be KI     

what method did you use? Not possible for that much elemental iodine to dissolve completely in water, unless theres remnants of bleach or other things still there. Thats probably what happened.better luck next time, try this out --> Post 522691 (evilscripter69: "SWIM's favorite method is", Stimulants)
works every time.