BritneySpears (Stranger)
09-08-04 22:58
No 530346
      Severe Sinus Congestion     

Is there a known street RP/I/E method/cut that causes a severe sinus reaction blocking/congesting sinus passages completely?
(Ancient Alchemist Delux)
09-08-04 23:38
No 530354

Maybe someone with the flu sneezed into your bag.
Maybe you should wash your shit with some acetone.
 I once heard about a method of cooking that stopped up your nose but I think it is only practiced in places were breathing is illegal.

Tighten Up!  (UH)
(Hive Addict)
09-09-04 03:25
No 530414
      Not Yet!     

I've been staying tooned with anteneye GOing (((beep)))(((beep)))(((beep))) waiting for health related posts to start popping up.
I am not saying this is directly related to this bees complaint but we can't afford to discount the possibilities until we know for sure.
Props to whoever removed the "zen...GUPchucking Redneck Birch" thread.
No offence to zen as he/she thought they were helping.
I replied to that thread which sparked a request from zen for me to list some of the newer hybridpolymer threats.
No one bee can really say if these specialty GAAKS...namely "eudragit®" are directly related to ailments or not without the means of precision analysis.
But the three main components of Eudragit® are specialty acrylic copolymers and are classified as "mutagens" in the MSDS.
This substance is clearly included as a denaturant/rxn inhibitor according to the latest patent. As of 08/01/04 The FDA has approved it's use in foodstuffs but lists "CONTACT With Foodstuffs" Not consumption!(I'll find that document and post it here)
As of 09/01/04 there has been a revised monograph leaflet released by Degussa‘s Specialty Polymers Division for Eudragit(I'll retrieve that as well).

Ibee personally experienced some health related uncomfortabilities that may or maynot be associated with this gaak that made it through rxn.
To the point that a gram of the tainted end-result was flushed and not consumed! It was clearly present in the end-result as no attempt was made to remove it and the associated Ill-effects from consuming the product was such that Ibee'll never make that mistake again! He doesn't go flushing goodz with no good reason. Would have been nice if a sample could have been sent off legally so Ibee and the Kidz would own a piece of Perrigo some day! Yeah...I know! Phat chance!tongue
I did spend two daze off and on compiling a document in response to "zen's" request but let it go when the thread came up missing. The pieces of the puzzle are spread out between
•Denaturant/Inhibitor Patents
•Roehm Pharmaceutical Division
•FDA Site
There is more to this than meets the eye and I want to be sure that the info and facts drawn from such conclusions are dead accurate and not misleading or misinforming in any way.
For the sake of all bees health, I will return to putting that document together and post it when finished.

Following Jacked's advice about acetone washes should be a given to anyone buying off the street.
Even if you know who made it. If they are selling it...assume it's cut and wash it.
Not everyone cuts...especially hivebees that know better but not every cook is a hivebee.
Those that aren't Hive bees, 9 out of 10 aren't going to know how to remove those co-polymers and may be selling a tainted product that will produce health related side-effects. all owe it to yourselves to get the product as clean as possible if you didn't make it yourself.
In some cases a fullblown A/B wouldn't least a recrystallization.
But Definately, at the very least, bees should include an acetone wash of purchased goodz as Jacked suggests

You Laugh at me because I'm different
I laugh at you because you look the same
(Hive Addict)
09-09-04 04:04
No 530426
      Distinct Stink     

Even the smallest tinge of Eudrashit in your product gives it a characteristic aroma.

Swim can't even define it but it's stink is distinct.

Swim buddy sais the odor ariseth along with that "fish market" freebase smell immediately after basing and it'll even follow onto reXed goods.

Swim's buddy will tell me once he finds the right descriptive words for it but so far he don't got 'em.

Sumbee suggested the smell was close to ferric oxide but since swim's buddy finds rust mostly odorless he doens't quite agreee.

he's either got a lightbulb up his ass or his colon has a brilliant idea
(Hive Addict)
09-09-04 04:30
No 530433

BritneySpears: It would help to include your friends method of consumption and any other related circumstances leading up to this condition. Like amounts consumed...product color...etc...

You Laugh at me because I'm different
I laugh at you because you look the same
09-09-04 04:42
No 530434
      Clogged nasal     

Swip and Mrs.Swip booth experienced clogged nasals to were we could not breathe for several days after snorting some of swips finished rxn. Was not pleasent at all. Swip even did spd on his 60's. Thought it was clean, but wasn't.blush

(Hive Addict)
09-09-04 06:08
No 530442

New USP/NF Monograph for:
"Ammonio Methacrylate Copolymer Dispersion“
The new monograph for EUDRAGIT® RL 30 D and EUDRAGIT®
RS 30 D in the USP/NF is effective August 01, 2004.
Please refer to our mailing. The revised specification leaflet can be downloaded from our website as of 01 September 2004.

Trade Shows:
CPhI '2004 Pharmaceutical Ingredients Worldwide
Brüssel, Belgium, 06-09 Dezember

Pharma Polymers Workshops Schedule 2004
43ed. EUDRAGIT® Praktical Training in German Language, 2004, 17 - 18 November
44th. EUDRAGIT® Praktical Training in German Language, 2004, 23 -24 November

PatentDenaturants for sympathomimetic amine salts Patent US6359011

You Laugh at me because I'm different
I laugh at you because you look the same
(Bizarre pHomme de Terra)
09-09-04 15:13
No 530485
      back lash from decongestants:     

excessive use of psuedoephedrine will cause a "rebound" of intense congestion. this is usually mentioned on the package, and only requires about 3 days of 'normal' use of the decongestant.
i've experienced this from use of psuedoephidrine as a decongestant; its quite stunning; won't allow inhalation thru the nose at all.

meth, contaminated with psuedo-e could very likely cause this reaction...but not in a single event. it would take a few days.
09-10-04 01:48
No 530558
      Product Information     

Location: San Fernando Valley
Type: Clear/Opaque crystals, not shards, more like small edgy stones.
Administration: SWIM sniffed no more than a 1/4g, and smoked about 1g. The strange thing is that the most serious state of complete nasal shut down occurred hours after SWIM sniffed.  SWIM had been smoking it. Nevertheless, logic points to my initial administration as the culprit.

The guy SWIM gets if from said the following when SWIM complained about his sinus problem, "Oh! I thought you smoked, I didn't know you snorted."  Draw your own conclusions.

It's a sad thing.  Just two weeks ago this same connect was delivering small opaque yellow shards that were hands down the best RP/I product SWIM has ever encountered.

One last thing, probably erroneous.  He spoke casually and briefly with SWIM during recent exchanges.  He questioned SWIM about the Nazi method, and said that people are producing product using this method - under the hood of their cars -in under two hours.  SWIM only knows RP/I. Nazi (Birch?) is foreign to SWIM. If he was talking about it, someone in his circle is doing it.  Maybe this isn't an RP/I product after all?
09-10-04 02:06
No 530560

Aren't the rxn inhibiting effects of Eudragit secondary and coincidental?  I thought Eudragit was simply a polymer drug delivery formulation?
09-10-04 02:17
No 530561
      HOLY SHIT!     

CharlieBigPotato: You may have nailed it!  While I was on this recent product I was also taking (recommended dosage) generic orange liquid gel day time cold tablets containing pseudo.

Maybe this, combined with the product (which very well could have been half reduced pseudo - did I mention aside from the congestion, the product also sucked - no go) was an efed overload, and I had one of those adverse reactions to too much cold medicine!
(Popular Author)
09-10-04 03:28
No 530570
      Enteraining thread     

That date may have been about 3 years late, but I took from it the use of a smokey campfire to cover the smell of evaporating ammonia, as well as the previous practise of using ground up pills in a birch with wooden rod stirring. That stirring was a point I had left out in SOMM, but now it is for historical interest with gakked pills. The smokey campfire is timeless. The story was entertaining, and I have incorporated bits of it into SOMM 7. I think it should stay on the board, but be listed as no longer valid. It was one of the funniest recipes I've seen here in years, and formerly valid.
(Hive Bee)
09-17-04 17:56
No 531795
      Camp Fire Cooks     

*waves to UF*


my major concern for secondary reactions in the pillstock being used down south is a paticular antihistamine HCl. 6mg per pill or so and would most likely make it through an a/b extraction.
(Hive Addict)
09-17-04 18:49
No 531808

Tetra has successfully eaten both triprolidine and chlorpheniramine Maleate for BrakeFast!
If that is a concern...Then Tetra is a successful solvent to include in the extraction.
A simple front side wash with tetra takes 15minutes from crush to dry and removes some polymers and anti-hists.

This business about eudragit is one that leaves cooks perplexed. Especially those cooks that know nothing about it or how to remove it.
Accounts will be experienced where great product was scored one week and the next it may be the pits. But only if the cooks don't take steps to remove it.
The Undesirables have taken to layering OII gaak ontop of Eudragit.
Eudragit may seem like a secondary encoutered pain in the ass to thwart pre and post rxn extractions and that it's inclusion is nothing more than a harmless controlled/time release delivery system. But the fact is it's a modified release component.
It's meant to carry the active ingredient past the digestive track into the colon areas.
Supposely for a longer acting effect. To that I say BULLSHIT!
How much longer than 24hr's can you go?
They already have successful formulations that accomplish that!
I smell a rat!
And what the hell are they including this eudrashit in 30mg fast acting tabs for?
A big Freakin Rat!
This is somewhat fishy. Something about this rubs me the wrong way and points more to a way to deposit the encapsulators into a direct waste position to prevent the encapsulators absorbtion in the bloodstream.
I've been thinking long and hard about this.
They haven't extended the main ingredients active effects at all. These eudragit components are found in immediate release formulations for christs sake.
I'm thinking that this complex delivery system using poisonous chems is intented to deliver a sick spell to those who try to reverse engineer the pills through extraction and use them for any other than intented use.
If that's the case....the user is doing such at their own risk and nobody is liable at that point for a sickness encountered by using pfed products outside the intended scope.
I feel Bees are playing with fire if they don't ensure the removal of everything that comprises these complexly engineered tabs around the main ingredient.
My intent is not to cause a widespread panic.....just offer some suggestions for others to dwell on and take to the think-tank when they encounter other than normal effects.
Actually it's hoped it doesn't get to the point of encountering other than normal effects.
That is my intent here!
Surely there is more than meets the eye and the only way to bring it to the surface is to reflect on the possible reasons and hopefully arrive at the truth.

Eudragit is nasty....the chems(three) used to make it are nasty.
What is a mutagen?
If someone can enlighten me further with a scientific definition on mutagens, I'd appeciate it. Especially the health related aspects of mutagens.
Do mutagens pose a health risk to those that consume them?
Maybe my understanding is flawed or influenced by a nasty terminology.
I'm open to any info others can provide to sway my understanding onto the correct path!
I'm not that arrogant or obstinate that I can't be reasoned with....but something is amiss here surrounding Eudragit's inclusion in OTC's of all strengths and formulations and I'd like to know WTF it is!

Now....I do urge bees on the board to include extraction techniques designed around excluding eudragit.
Even if it isn't the health risk I think it is. It's a large pain in the ass when it cuts yields by 50% and produces a product that's oil ridden and unsightly enough that it tarnishes your signature as a cook and you'd be ashamed to even give it away!
Somebee enlighten me here!
I can't even finish my post on anatomy of a patent because of the conjecture(my own) and my biasness filtering into the facts.
UF's method is designed to skirt around eudragit....somehing about esterstonguewink
In that of my many hats comes off to him!

You Laugh at me because I'm different
I laugh at you because you look the same
(Hive Bee)
09-18-04 01:03
No 531857
      What is a mutagen? If someone can enlighten me     

What is a mutagen?
If someone can enlighten me further with a scientific definition on mutagens, I'd appeciate it

Mutagen - An agent that can cause alterations to DNA. If the alterations are not repaired exactly, changes in the nucleotide sequence can lead to altered gene expression or gene products (RNA).

Many mutagens are also carcinogens, agents that can cause cancer. Since cancer results from mutations in key genes, an agent that can cause changes has the potential to cause the changes that lead to cancer. Ironically, radiation and many of the chemotherapy agents used to treat cancer also have the potential to cause mutations and lead to cancer themselves.
(Hive Addict)
09-18-04 02:59
No 531881
      Got Air???     

Mucho Thanx BioHomeyBeedude!smile
Bees can always count on you!
I've read many descriptions that briefly brazed the definition and left me confused somewhat! But not confused enough to discount this from being a serious threat!
I don't think it will take many more think-tank sessions to finally arrive at something "concrete"....I can eat?[YIKES!] Wareami??? This ain't the couch!laugh
I didn't want to be accused of confusing this term "mutagen" with the "Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles"[tongues]blushwink

Now let me get this straight!

"I See Dead People"


I can’t believe I paid 14 dollars at the snack bar for popcorn, 2 sodas and a bag of Swedish fish!laugh

Post 0120 (not existing) 14. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 1 wherein said amino polymer is a copolymer of methyl methacrylate, butyl methacrylate and dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate.

Post 0121 (not existing) 15. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 14 wherein said amino polymer is the neutralized hydrochloride salt form of the copolymer of methyl methacrylate, butyl methacrylate and dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate.

Post 0122 (not existing) 16. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 15 wherein said copolymer of methyl methacrylate, butyl methacrylate and dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate is from about 1% to about 100% in the neutralized hydrochloride salt form.

Post 0123 (not existing) 17. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 15 wherein said copolymer of methyl methacrylate, butyl methacrylate and dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate is from about 50% to about 100% in the neutralized hydrochloride salt form.

Post 0124 (not existing) 18. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 15 wherein said copolymer of methyl methacrylate, butyl methacrylate and dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate is from about 70% to about 100% in the neutralized hydrochloride salt form.

Post 0125 (not existing) 19. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 15 wherein said copolymer of methyl methacrylate, butyl methacrylate and dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate is from about 85% to about 98% in the neutralized hydrochloride salt form.

Post 0126 (not existing) 20. The pharmaceutical composition according to claim 14 wherein said copolymer of methyl methacrylate, butyl methacrylate and dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate is homogeneously mixed together with said sympathomimetic amine and all other components of said pharmaceutical composition.

Okay So According to the patent I posted above in a reply we have this in the formulation!
No Big Deal.....Right???
Think Again!

methyl methacrylate
11. Toxicological Information
Toxicological Data:
Oral rat LD50: 7872 mg/kg; Inhalation rat LC50: 78,000 mg/m3/4-hour. Investigated as a tumorigen, mutagen, reproductive effector.
Reproductive Toxicity:
Has caused mutagenic and teratogenic effects on laboratory animals.

dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate
RTECS Compound Description:
Harmful if swallowed, inhaled or through skin contact. Possible sensitizer. Lachrymator. Corrosive - causes burns. Very destructive of mucous membranes.
Toxicity data
(The meaning of any toxicological abbreviations which appear in this section is given here.)
ORL-RAT LD50 1751 mg kg-1
IHL-RAT LC50 620 mg/m3/4h
IHL-MUS LC50 1800 mg/m3/2h

Risk phrases
(The meaning of any risk phrases which appear in this section is given here.) Scratch That! I'll do the honors of including this here
R21=Harmful in contact with skin.
R22=Harmful if swallowed.
R36=Irritating to eyes.
R38=Irritating to skin.
R43=May cause sensitization by skin contact.

butyl methacrylate

I'm exhausted!frown
As you can see...this required an exhaustive amount of footwork to slap together and this is only part of the whole picture.
We have three chemicals clearly identified in the Denaturant Patent that are unfit for human consumption being included in the pills in order to thwart extraction...
or better the de-LIVER-y system...YEAH RIGHT!
Where's my fume Hood? I need some fresh air!laugh

You Laugh at me because I'm different
I laugh at you because you look the same