bobcat31467 (Stranger)
09-24-04 03:56
No 532932
      Molten-flash, WOW!     

SWIB was tooling around the ol"kitchen" and decide to do a quick melt & flash of some street grade.  After rummaging around a bit he came across ye ol' cigar tube.  remeinants of some past fitful dream he supposed.  He put 2.0 grams in the tube and with his pocket torch (windproof lighter) he brought it slowly to liquid.  SWIB supposes that could be considered "back to the oil stage?).  Any way once the product was melted but not emitting too many whafts of smoke he flashed it with some dry acetone that happened to be in the freezer form that previous dream aforementioned.  Oh sorry bees amount 15ml of dry tone.  No need to tell you bee, that makes a sizzling sound.  As the nano ingredients did their cleansing thing, an eyedropper(the kind you find in the infants medical section at any large drug store, or retailer was filled with .08ml of IPA (91% dried with mgso4).  Swib slowly brought the solution back up to a seven up type boil for 30 seconds, removed from heat source, and droppered in three drops of the IPA.  Immediately it was crashing out of the tone.  Swib filterd it through a piece of paint strainer material which was placed on top of a spinach strainer.  The mother liquior was washed with a few drops of dh20 and is still evaping.  the other solution was then dried and is something to be very proud of.  I know this aint a knew remedy but it was a refreshing one for a nano recrystalltion

Wind em up, and watch em "GO"
09-24-04 04:07
No 532933
      :-S Sounds like your a bit confused their...     

Sounds like your a bit confused their mate.
So your brought 2 grams of meth to its MP point, dumped in acetone then you put in your IPA?
Then you washed the mother solution (which is polar) with water? how did you manage that?
Of course what ever is going to be left on the evap plate will look nice because its probably just meth/msm.
You could of just dissolved the lot in water and evaped and would of got the same results.

I dont think anything productive was obtained from that.

You should of just added your IPA and brought the solution down until it was super saturated, then dumped in your acetone and left till cool then put in freezer for 24 hours then filtered.

If you dont know what you are doing you shouldnt try and make up your own procedures, because just like this one, it didnt serve any purpose.

Your an individual just like everyone else.
09-24-04 05:21
No 532939
      Really Now?     

Ya don't say??? Well the initial 2g that was liquified was hit with the tone while hot.  Just a reverse method of putting it in the tone, ipa, or some other non polar and bringing to a boil till it skims over.  The h2o solution that I mentioned is of NO consequence.  The meth, IMHO, will be in the non polar as long as I used anhydrous solutions.  No water to be misicble with, therefore no means of transportation, or vehicle.  The wanted goods remain in the filter when I filter off the first wash of acetone.  Then the only thing left to do is rerinse the goods that are in the filter to ensure all the Mother is off, as well as any unwanted biproducts.  I am a stranger(newbe) and am certainly open to advice and or constructive critizism, so for that I thank you and may your day bee filled with cheer.  Perhaps I did not make myself clear in my post, or better yet maybee I did'nt do it according to "Hoyle", but damn it sure taste, smells, and acts right.  Peace my brother.

Wind em up, and watch em "GO"
(Hive Addict)
09-24-04 05:33
No 532942
      Tsk Tsk....Task Task!     

Ascension: I tend to disagree with you're interpretation of what bobcat is witnessing take place.
Just because it's not by the book you're accustomed to reading doesn't negate a positive effect of the "Off-The-Beaten-Path" Type.
I've done shyte backwards before just because others discouraged a re-invention of the wheel.
As a result, there's a couple extra wobbly wheels bouncin off the pavement around the worldshockedwink
Saying the order in which the solvents were used, hints at discouragement.
If it's one thing that I learned well around here is:
"Don't knock it til you try it!"
Then you'll be qualified to tell someone they are confused, and direct them back to the drawingboard.
Bobcat is happy I assume cause he kicked some trash to curb.
That is what we as bees encourage!

If the shoethrows fits...Ware Itout
(Hive Bee)
09-24-04 05:42
No 532943
      I can be a cunt, say your an complete idiot,...     

I can be a cunt, say your an complete idiot, especially for argueing with me when you dont even know what the hell your talking about.

But since you are a newbee, ill go easy, and ill try and explain things okai. Now you can either or just accept you dont know what your doing yet and learn...

1st Mistake
"Just a reverse method of putting it in the tone, ipa, or some other non polar and bringing to a boil till it skims over."

Tone and IPA are NOT what we refer to as Non Polars here at the hive. And when a Re-x is done a NP is not even used! as meth is not soluble in NPs

You say that its a reverse method of putting the meth into the "Non Polar" and bringing to a boil till it skims over, but how the fuck can your meth dissolve in a non polar and boil down to a super saturated solution when meth ISNT soluble in non polars, just another reason to keep your mouth shut when you dont know what your talking about.

"The meth, IMHO, will be in the non polar as long as I used anhydrous solutions."

Your meth is not a freebase, if it was it would be an oil, therefore it is not soluble in non polars.

Theres more but i cant be bothered pointing out everything, now ill repeat myself again so you can go do it properly this time.

Dissolve your meth in an ALCOHOL, eg, IPA or ethanol.
Boil it to a super saturated solution and add a drop or two to dissolve what precips out.
Then crash heavily with acetone, since meth is not soluble in acetone the meth will crash out of the Alcohol/Acetone mixture over time to give you more pure product.

Your an individual just like everyone else.
(Hive Bee)
09-24-04 05:54
No 532944
      Wareami i agree with you completly, taking...     

Wareami i agree with you completely, taking well known methods and fuckin around with them is where all the fun is at.

But bobcat thinks he did a re-x, when really he didnt.
He also thinks the meth was in his non polar (when he didnt even use one, and his meth isnt freebase either)

Im just trying to point these things out.

Your an individual just like everyone else.
(Of Counsel)
09-25-04 06:12
No 533070
      Taking a shot at it...     

Well, interesting approach. Melt the meth HCl and while its still melted flash it with acetone. Even melted, the meth remains meth HCL, not freebase meth. Dry acetone is pretty much nonpolar, as is as far as meth HCl is concerned. The acetone served to quickly cool the melted meth, which would then become unmelted meth, or the solid salt form. Most likely this meth was in chunks of varying sizes. When you added alcohol, some of the meth should have dissolved. hard for me to say how much alchol your three drops amounted to. If your meth was pure and you had two grams of it, you would need at least three ml of the alcohol, probably more, to dissolve it completely.

Your alcohol must have been considerably cooler than the acetone... solids of something crashed out? Out of the acetone? Might be a cut. Meth HCl won't crash out of hot acetone on the addition of alcohol. The reason is pretty simple. Meth HCl is very slightly soluble in dry acetone. And you did have meth HCl there.

What crashed out and was filtered out when you added alcohol has to be gakk or cut. Or trash. You washed the mother liquor with some water, which can only mean you further dissolved any meth you had with water. You now have solid trash, some meth in an alcohol-water-acetone solution, and I have no idea what you are looking at.

Evap the acetone-water-alcohol solution to near dryness; flash what appears as the solution evaps with your dry acetone; pan off the acetone. If it still isn't clean, dissolve it in alcohol, filter through a fine filter, reduce the alcohol/meth hcl solution to the skinning stage, add some acetone, and let it cool slowly.

mostly harmless
09-25-04 13:12
No 533109
      You named yourself correctly     

The way in which you reply to a post because someone doesnt see things as you think they ought to bee is totally unreal.  You bees say you want to end the war....YET when some one has the balls to submit a post of some workup they've done, RIGHT, WRONG , OR OTHERWISE  you shoot his fuckin wings off. Who's the war with here big brother, or fellow bees.  Fuck! For what it's worth Chef boyarde at least I'd rather waste my money trying to improve the shit thats on the street than ingest the shit, not get high, and still have wasted my cash.

Wind em up, and watch em "GO"
09-25-04 13:25
No 533111
      Just a thought Geez     

Just a thought Geez/question.  SWIB likes to expieriment with this south of the border shit that monopolizes the streets these days.  Is it possible, or would it work to just take the meth hcl, hit it with the base again (saturated lye), bring it back up to say a 13, 14, then add that to some np like naptha or sumpin long those lines (since I don't know what a non polar is Lol) and repull the entire mess all over again.  I mean the rebasification would IMHO or should (one would think) burn any bullshit msm, or any vitablend, or any CRAP right outta there , right?  Just a thought/question.  By the way I respect yours and a few other bees knowledge and therefore the ?  I will submit this post and go UTSFE to see if there is an answer to that ?

Wind em up, and watch em "GO"
09-25-04 20:16
No 533150

Next time, you could do it like this: melt your stuff til liquid, let cool a bit, and add dry acetone. Now cover with sum foil, place in fridge and wait. Overnight is great (hard, I know smile). There should be white crystals growing out of your molten stuff on the bottom. Sometimes they also appear directly when you add acetone - then cool anyway!

When you can't see the molten stuff anymore, it is finished: stir a bit, filter the whole thing into fine coffee filters and rinse with cold dry acetone. Let dry like usual. If there is still molten stuff on the bottom, repeat the whole thing (add acetone, cool overnight, stir and filter off goodies).

There ya go.

To the others, doubting this little reXtal method:
Meth HCl will melt at lower temperatures when it is cut. Also it will hardly recrystallize when you just cool this melt (impurities, you know). It stays liquid. A solvent with low solubility for meth*HCl (like alcohol) facilitates crystallization (you know too). And there are earlier reports of reXtalizations from acetone, search the old hive for a thread with pictures of huge clear crystals and discourse on how to grow them. IPA just allows for a quicker crystallization - as for a quick crystal formation, the substance should ideally have a high solubility. Meth HCl is almost insoluble in pure acetone, therefore the process takes a long time in acetone alone. Through adding a small amount of IPA, the amine hydrochloride molecules have more ease to rearrange to the desired crystalline structure (white solid kickass meth laugh)

So far on the theory; and believe me, it works exactly like he wrote (although he made some mistakes like "nonpolar"..) - I know this kind of reXtalization well. Works also fine with Et2O/acetone, and bonus: eventual water traces will form a small bottom layer, which can be easily separated and flashed with dry acetone, too - makes beautiful glistening flake-like crystals from ether (and not-as-nice ones from the tone flash if done).

(try it and you'll see - but of course only if you are experienced with ether!)
(Of Counsel)
09-25-04 21:31
No 533154
      good point     

Indole_amine... good point on the impurities not only reducing the melting point of meth but also preventing it from crystallizing. I have seen this.

My apologies to Bobcat newbee for overlooking the premise of his original post-- he is cleaning trashy street meth. I see the methodology, and see how it can be used. I did something similar when Orange I surfaced originally. Trying to get past O I's crystallization inhibitor characteristic, I started dissolving meth in alcohol and growing crystals in xylene. The crystals would form... it took time, and the crystals still were loaded with gakk... but I at least recovered the meth.

I jumped too soon posting to this thread, since I think of meth as something that rocks back up after it cools...I forgot you were dealing with god-knows-what off the street.

If the meth is contaminated to the point that it will not rock back up when it cools, the melted meth HCl will mix with acetone, and may mix with other solvents as well. The acetone gives the meth a medium to grow the crystals in. (If this were the Eudragit anti-crystallizaton polymer, acetone would not be a good choice, since that polymer seems to me to be miscible in acetone, and meth with that polymer present is soluble in the acetone/polymer mix.) A different solvent might be appropriate.

Bobcat: Would an a/b help? If the problem is a cut, an a/b should help. If it is a contaminant from the reaction, or a pill gakk, it will likely make it through another a/b... it already came over in the first one... right?

I think you might have more luck with a few solvent boils of the powdered meth. You might want to try MEK for this. You could try dissolving in dH2O and recrystallizing the meth, or try dissolving in different alcohols...

Nothing wrong with experimenting... by the way. We often learn more from failures than from successes... and off the wall experiments lead to some notable failures.

And a few successes.

mostly harmless
(Hive Bee)
09-26-04 12:04
No 533230
      Just a thought Geez/question.     

Just a thought Geez/question.  SWIB likes to expieriment with this south of the border shit that monopolizes the streets these days.  Is it possible, or would it work to just take the meth hcl, hit it with the base again (saturated lye), bring it back up to say a 13, 14, then add that to some np like naptha or sumpin long those lines (since I don't know what a non polar is Lol) and repull the entire mess all over again.  I mean the rebasification would IMHO or should (one would think) burn any bullshit msm, or any vitablend, or any CRAP right outta there , right?  Just a thought/question.  By the way I respect yours and a few other bees knowledge and therefore the ?  I will submit this post and go UTSFE to see if there is an answer to that ?

Yeah thats perfect to clean up street speed thats been cut.
The reason why this works isnt because it "burns" up the msm or other cutting agents, its because when you freebase the meth it moves into the NP layer while cutting agents wont move into the non polar, no matter what PH you got it at.

If the cut stuff burns clean then most likley its cut with MSM, especially if its coming from mexico. So you might want to try putting it in the oven at bout 120C to sublime the msm away.

Your an individual just like everyone else.
09-26-04 18:14
No 533255
      no A/B needed     

MSM won't be removed completely by an A/B - it is sparingly soluble in nonpolars. The best way for removing it is to wash the impure meth with acetone (MSM is freely soluble in alcohols, water and acetone!).
Even better than washing: melt your cut meth, and flash with dry acetone! All MSM will dissolve, and all meth HCl will crystallize. No A/B needed.

And Bobcat did nothing else.
(Hive Martyr)
09-27-04 06:39
No 533346
      Re: You bees say you want to end the war..     

You bees say you want to end the war..

Did I miss something?  Fuck the war comment. Lets concentrate our attention on the bold faced red part of this statement. I dont know who you think the bees are in your, You bees, statement. But every single person here is a different set of morals and attitudes to match. One may see truth or similarity in anothers remarks here, but no two bees are gonna form an alliance or a war here at the hive. Well maybe some may have formed alliances.... well..Science alliances. <-hehe! But surely the members are here to post information , not to declare wars and mingle as the group you call You bees.

So bite it!
09-28-04 03:12
No 533486
      Dont want no probs, only harmony, so go easy.     

LoW_JacK, the war statement comes from the back of a well written book, by a well respected founder of this forum.  I just meant that if we are going to brow beat one another than how are we gonna end the war on drugs.  Harmony, and uniting (for the purpose of educatioin) as this forum IMHU was meant to do.  All too often do we as human beings jump to conclusions, or pre-judge (prejudice)another person because of color, education, (or lack of).  It is my belief and understanding that this site as well as a great many others were facilitated to incorperate the education of the newbee, or (oldbee) in the tecniques of clandestine operations, so as to beat the big brother conglomerant at this God damned thing "they" have declared a war.  No ire was entwined in my previous post, only  an enlarged concern for the bees that want to learn, or are trying things out to better their honey.  Peace my friend!!  Bobcat

Wind em up, and watch em "GO"