netsioux (Stranger)
09-25-04 02:11
No 533032
      thx guys....swims first synth...     

I have been reading this borad for a month or so and in swim s name I have to say thx to all the bees here, first to Rhodium who run this great board and geezmeister, VideoEditor and all the other great bees here around, who spend so much time and work in the science : "makeing good meth"smile.
My friend Swim has made his first reaction and now he have (in his opinion)killerdope in his hand. (plz excuse my bad English => me is a European (exactly a German) beewink)
Ok here is Swim s experience:
First he bought 2 packs of antihistamin pills witch contains 120mg pfed and 5mg of Cetirizindihydrochlorid and a big list of other shit(this should be said here: this is one of the just 2 kinds of otc pills avaliable in germany) and made a waterless a/b (thx geezm., before swim had some bad experiences with water a/b`scrazy) and got 2,4 g of 6,75 g avaliable but clear white crunshy cristalls, thats a yield about 35% not much swim thougt, but what the fuck! this stuff seemed to be clean. He made a MEK wash and lost about 0,1g.
Swim had no equipment around and thought he should wait for the liebig condenser and the round bottom flask he just had ordered some days before, but then he read one post about nanosynth`s.....tonguein his impatience, he took a hot sauce flask 500ml, a small pot filled with sand and put 0,8 g pfed 2ml dh2o 1,6 g lg iodine and 0,6 g lg red (in this order)in the flask and quickly put a balloon on top. shortly after that the goodies began to react, but just a little bit so he put the flask into the pot with the sand in it and heated it slowly till it began to reflux.(smallest amount of heat with my stovewink). the ballon worked very well as ghetto condenserlaugh. at this point swim got a sixpack of beer and wanted to let the goodies reflux for about 48h. but after about 20h he saw that the reaction fluid looks different, then the hours before. the red was settled down to the bottom and the liquid looked like water with red spots in it. He had the reaction work up method in his mind and was sure that this was a sign that the reaction has finishedtongue. he put some dh2o to the honey washed it with xylene, then with dh2o and saw some kind of gakk in the water. he feared about that, he had read so much about OII,OI and other gakks. crazy but no matterwink he decant the water off, filled new dh2o in the separatory funnel based the stuff put the freebase into the xylene, titration, evap and voila 0,5 g of what he thinks "killer shit", but maybe the stuff is not as good as he thinks, because its the first time he smoked that suff. Before he used street meth that seemed to be made at semiprof labaratories in Holland, Poland or anywhere else in europe with much other shit in it (maybe 20% meth) and snorted it. but the high he got after he smoked 0,07 g of that dope wow... it was ....he couldnt find the right words....he said... it was just fuckin greatlaugh.

in swims opinion this was realy clandestine chemistry nano reaction with less equipment, what everybody could do just reading this board here for a while wink.
Swim is now sure, everyone can make great stuff without expensive equipment, if one need just a little bit honey to have a great night.

Ok,I just wanted to tell u swim s story, pieces of advice or any kind of comments are very welcomesmile
cya guyssmile, going out for the night.

If anyone find some mistakes, he can have them, I dont need themwink
(Of Counsel)
09-25-04 05:34
No 533062
      Here's the hook...     

Here's the hook: You can get more and cleaner pseudo from the pills, and better yields of purer meth than you got this time. Now that you know it can be done, and is done, by others, you will obsess about reaching the ultimate yield of the purest dope until nothing else occupies your free time.

Or something close to that. laugh

Welcome aboard.

Read Fester's hydrolysis thread (Deconstructionist thought) or Prepuce and EvilScripter's posts about short path distillation methods... The waterless a/b won't work with the pills I get these days, but I have no idea if that is true of the pills you can get. The low yields, both in pseudo and meth, suggest a better extraction method could be of help. Pills have changed a lot in the last couple of years.

Welcome to the monkeyhouse. laugh

mostly harmless
09-25-04 05:35
(Rated as: insignificant)
09-25-04 07:43
      Did the hive ispire this or just aid in your cook?
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Hive Martyr)
09-25-04 07:58
No 533083
      I really wonder...     

if the hive help you got here, perpelled your meth manufacturing career, or were you hellbent on making your own feedstock and just came here for a sense of "I can Do iT!" one needs in order to cross that line between citizenX and Clandestine drug lab operator.

CitizenX is the dipshit thats probably funding your pill stocking fund.(whoops! maybe not yours) but, Next time, after your mini-batch... you sell that 1/2g. and go sell it for $30 instead of cooking 48 fucking tablets every time and mainlining your yeild just to get high/bye. Take the $30 and invest in more pills. There should never be enough to make you happy. If there is, the FEds arent doing there job right. Dont hold your breath or think it'll last. Run and bye (never ever steal) all they'll allow.

Now you know you can do it. DO IT! No less than 18g of pfed shall ever grace swims flask, should be a lowballed-out-ass motto to cook bye!
09-25-04 13:45
No 533115
      hui back on earth now...     

just a little tiredcool
the hive only helped me and my friend to get the information, that we wanted. Making his own meth was swims dream since a few years, now he had sucsess and was happy. and i thought i have to say thx to the people, who share their experiences and make it possible that swim now makes his own shit.
By the way swim wouldnt sell his stuff down here to the kids, because they would be killed, they only know the "I would be happy if 20% of the shit i just bought is meth"crap.
Its just, if swim knows there will be a great party next weekend, he ll go ahead make some killershit share it with his friends and we ll party all night longlaugh.

The only fuckin thing swim should now figure out is how to get better yields with this fuckin german pills. any germans here, who have some experience with these pills?
(Hive Martyr)
09-25-04 16:57
No 533126
      oh your a german-based cook, eh?     

oh your a german-based cook, eh? 

Wasnt germany, like, a jumping off point in the pseudo distribution chain?

Something like, China -> Germany -> Mexico/Canada/Usa ??

Oh and by the way... it doesnt matter what your yeild is on a 2 box batch, cuz it'll be gone within the amount of time, post-cook, that it took to make it to begin with.

All I'm saying is if your gonna risk certain incarceration and humiliation for 2 boxes worth of meth, then up your amount you cook to at least 10+ grams of meth and either off it to some adults who buy meth, or lessen the number of times you need to break your countries drug manufacture laws and take your balls out of that pretty pink purse you stroodlehead!

hui?  what doest hui mean anyway?

@lowjack ?  are we emailing me on that reply or am I crazy?

Take what I say with a grain of meth.....oh already are.

My bad.

David Hasslehoff RULES!

09-25-04 17:50
No 533135
      ok u are right...     

the more swim cooks the less time, work and money he need per g meth. but it was swim s first cook so he just need more practice. and first off all cooking - swims extraction technique has to become better, otherwise swim will never do a cook with more then 3gfrown
swim has ordered ma huang extract, witch should contain 7% ephedrin. he s gonna try to extract this shit, maybe with better

what does "hui" mean? hehe hui means hui cant explain itwink
by the way i m not emailing u am i crazy? its just: other boards other ruls

and what the fuck has david hasselhoff to do with the shit we are talking about....hrhr

gina wild ruls, yeahsmile
09-25-04 23:42
No 533169
      Well Done!!!!     

Well done netsioux, I Realy dont like how experience Bee's keep on Slapping down Newbees, and Drill them to do Bigger Rxn, and crushing there ego's , and its not worth taking the risk getting cought, but for as Geez gives good advice on getting the purity higher than you got is good advice which i agree with. but to down out rite attact a newbee that just done his first rxn is wrong ,you probably have no idea of the newbees situation of his living conditions or place of country or money, getting the nerv and courage to do the first rxn is bad enough, to do one that has the final product better than your local dealer as well,i kn ow this aint kids game either and not kinder meth school,  doin a small amount he might be comfortable with is the most important thing, if he dont think he can do it, then he wont be doing it at all if he dont have the confidence. now he can work on his purity and less time to do it in , rather to have the chance of screwwing up $500 to $1000 worth of pills and having failed it , we dont know about the LAw inforcement risk he has or maybe he doesnt have any , but to do your first rxn, and if he's been reading on the hive , i think he has taken them precautions senior bee's sometime forgets, he can prepair to have more time and practice on extraction methods and resorcing better materials for the rxning. So all you Bees that critisize bees that do small rxning, lay off the newbees for there first and give better critisim, in not the way where it discurages the newbee in trying again , knowing the newbee living in germany the law enforcement aint alert as you Americans, i know my cuson who lives there and does what he does, and no one can touch him cause his father is a senior police officer, and he does it what he does by not knowing every bees situation and not every country has 289million people living in there country, less suspicion of manufacturing not that i dont agree on taken precaution and minimising the risk of getting swim  lives on a island that has 8 law enforcement officers that are always stoned, but has hard time of finding the chemicals and equitment to do them in . Well done netsioux and keep up the work, and concerntrate on extraction and the purity in the least time to produce it in.. smilesmile

09-26-04 20:41
No 533270
      I agree with u BlackICE....     

the more u cook the cooler u are? that isnt my way, too. I dont wanna become a drugdealer, its just for fun.
The synth could do a baby, its very simple, the point of success is to get clean pfed. Geezs old waterless a/b produces very clean pfed with the pills I used, but the yield was bad. Im gonna work on it, but first I ll give the Ma Huang extract a try. I ll post my results. smile
(Hive Martyr)
09-27-04 03:37
No 533327
      Re: [i] Realy dont like how experience Bee's...     

Realy dont like how experience Bee's keep on Slapping down Newbees


First of all, this bee in question isnt a newbee now is he/she?  Looks like a stranger to me.

Bee's keep on Slapping down Newbees, and Drill them to do Bigger Rxn, and crushing there ego's , and its not worth taking the risk getting cought,


There was no slapping or any other horseplay directed towards him. And as far as crushing his ego and pushing him towards doing bigger reactions. So! If you get popped cooking 2 boxes of pills, theyre gonna stick you in the same cell as if you were actually gonna get high on the amount of meth you were cooking just prior to getting caught.  At least you gotta agree that when it comes down to it, taking a chance is taking a chance, and 3,4 or even five more boxes of 48 really isnt that hard to afford or kiss goodbye if you fuck up. But risking jail time more than 1 time cooking 3g. of pseudo is fucking lunacey.

For the 1st batch, 3g is acceptable on a ,'Just seeing if I could', type deal. But to again put ones own freedom in jeopardy again for 'MAYBE' 1g. of meth isnt something to be proud of, brag about , or even post here looking for hundreds of supportive replies to encourage him into a world that after one 3g reaction, hasnt seen shit of!.

And you gotta know why I brought up David Hasslehoff. Dont you? 
Maybe your not really a german if you dont dig baywatch and david hasslehoff.
09-28-04 00:08
      keep cool guys....
(Rated as: incomprehensible)
09-29-04 00:30
No 533648
      ok, ok...     

please forgives me guys, the only reason for my first post was to say thx for the information that i have extrcated here from so many good posts.
English isn't my motherlanguage! sometimes i have to read a post 3 or 4 times before i really understand what the guy is meaning and when i m writing a post it isn t easier for me => two windows open: one with the hive and the other with the altavista translating maschine. so, please use simple words, then its easier for me to get u right. thx for your understandingsmile
Next time, I ll only make a post if i really have a question or intresting results to post.

wish u all great yieldslaugh