tina_craig (Stranger)
09-27-04 16:46
No 533392
      Entrained Water on Tolly gassing     

315 24 x 30's boiled in 450mL 91% ISO IPA 15 grams KOH added at boiling point, boiled 30 minutes.  Top layer decanted off of oily layer on bottom and evapped to near dry, flashed with tone (stupid part?) and filtered.  Covered with 100 mL tolly washed twice with dh20, separated and gassed tolly, became cloudy and white material settled on bottom but material passed through filters.  Entrained water assumed.  Evapping tolly extracts and will cover with tolly again and allow to sit to drain entrained water and regas. Does this sound right?

Tina Craig worked for me!!
(Hive Bee)
09-28-04 02:55
No 533485
      how long did u gass     

and what method did you use. more details will get more responses here.
09-28-04 16:12
No 533553
      About 1 hour     

Using HCl and CaCl.  Have evapped everything except water rinses, haven't weighed it out yet, but thinking that it will be a mix of FB and HCl pseudo?

Tina Craig worked for me!!
09-28-04 16:34
No 533558
      From what has been scraped from evap dish     

Very fine, soft, white powder with very bitter pseudo taste.

Tina Craig worked for me!!
(Of Counsel)
09-28-04 18:36
No 533580
      drying tube     

If you let HCl and CaCl sit moisture will form in the bottle and the line the gas goes through. You should add an inline drier between the bottle and the end of the tube. You may be reintroducing moisture to the tolly when you gas.

mostly harmless