Apis_dorsata (Stranger)
10-14-04 19:03
No 535902
      hard koh     

swim received some koh, the problem is it is rock hard. it can be busted up with a little effort, but doesnt seem to react as well as my koh in the past. any suggestions on drying it out. any help would be great.
(Hive Bee)
10-15-04 03:05
No 535944
      "seem to react slower" ??     

Huh - Drying it out? What you have are KOH pellets, the more common form of both, as the powder/granular form is way more hygroscopic (greater surface you know).

The pellets react just the same as you granules did. And if you have to use solid KOH - where's the problem?? When you have to use it in solution - this ain't a problem, too... (they dissolve very easily)

If it is for some dry pill extraction method; I would bet the KOH you have is rather too dry to react. Try wetting them *slightly* (sprayer!), they should react quicker, and the little water will be held back nicely by the KOH (hygroscopic!).

But I'm not really familiar with pill extractions at all..
