fuckensac (Hive Bee)
02-26-02 18:31
No 274035
      sodium acetate 4 styrene rxn  Bookmark   

At present amm acetate i cant get but sodium acetate i can. Can this be substituted with some other regant maby to form nitrostyrenes from benzaldehydes.??

Dont say what you want to write, write what you want to say!
(Hive Bee)
02-27-02 17:52
No 274549
      Re: sodium acetate 4 styrene rxn  Bookmark   

Anyone. cause im sure it can be done should i add ammonia solution with the Na acetate??

Dont say what you want to write, write what you want to say!
(Pioneer Researcher)
02-27-02 18:32
No 274561
      Re: sodium acetate 4 styrene rxn  Bookmark   

I won't work.