triazolam (Stranger)
07-20-02 21:19
No 335364
      Oxycodone from Thebaine?  Bookmark   

I've read in numerous places that one can get Oxycodone from Thebaine by dousing the thebaine in hydrogen peroxide.  Wouldn't the hydrogen peroxide destroy all of the viable components in thebaine?  I'm not really sure. 

'Our aim is wakefulness...... Our enemy is dreamless sleep'
(Distinctive Doe)
07-20-02 23:51
No 335400
      Where would one get thebaine?  Bookmark   

Oxycodone from Thebaine by dousing the thebaine in hydrogen peroxide

Nope, Sorry it ain't gonna happen.

See the Rhodium link at the bottom, its there for a reason

../rhodium /oxycodone.html
../rhodium/pdf /hydroxycodeinone-2.pdf

Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety