slick14 (Stranger)
12-03-02 13:38
No 385887
      Ketone cleaning  Bookmark   

when cleaning swims ketone what is the best ph for the acid wash. can anyone say if activated carbon will help with the cleaning, are there any other tips i can get with my cleanup? not distilling by the way
(Hive Bee)
12-03-02 13:49
No 385891
      All activated carbon does is remove color.  Bookmark   

All activated carbon does is remove color. Some people dont even wash their ketone. Your suppose to wash ketone with a dilute NaOH solution NOT an acid solution. To strong of acid will destroy ketone molecules. Just distill the ketone and that is pure enough!wink

Sink or SWIM
(Hive Bee)
12-03-02 14:22
No 385899
      I am indifferent if it works or not.  Bookmark   

I am indifferent if it works or not. Seemed to only work when the carbon was put in the post wacker methanol with no water added to it yet. Really, the NaOH takes out the catylist when it hits ph11 but others say that ruins the ketone. I don't know.
(Hive Addict)
12-03-02 14:35
No 385902
      Distil that shit...Slick! Whats the problem?  Bookmark   

Distil that shit...Slick!  Whats the problem?  If swiy is too cheap to buy a pump, maybee he should consider how much loss of product he is going to incur by aminating dirty ketone.  Even if there is less ketone in a cleaned fraction, it will produce more, cleaner product than if he where to use a dirty fraction with slightly more ketone in it.  Think of the $avings he is going to make by doing things the right way.  Hell, a couple of grams (that could theoretically bee saved in one or two MM aminations using clean ketone) and youve got yourself a nice pump.

Im not the bearded man upstairs, Im a bald guy with a healthy penis. So open yer pie-hole!