mtnfrogger198 (Newbee)
04-18-03 07:01
No 427740
      Ketone Decomposition?  Bookmark   

Does anybody know what the MDP-2-P decomposes into when left out? Is it just oxidized, or does it form wierd shit?

TSE shows that the ketone becomes "stinky, and orange." Can it still be distilled, recovering the remaining tone?
(Hive Addict)
04-18-03 17:50
No 427840
      Can it still be distilled, recovering the...  Bookmark   

Can it still be distilled, recovering the remaining tone?absolutely!

if you need tro store your ketone long term there are three easy options
1- form the oxime which can be stored for a long time at RT if it pure (made from distilled ketone or recrystalized) and its ready to reduce whenever

2-form the bilsulphite adduct(from distilled ketone) and that can be stored along time, with the disadvantage that you then have to perform a n additional base hydrolysis before you can do anything with it. bisulfite complexed ketone made from impure ketone will not store well, it will gradually discolour to a gross looking grey shit over a few months.

3-if you did a performic, wash the glycol several times with a weak base and store the glycol which has been stored by some bees for as long as 3 years. then do your hydrolysis when you need it.
(Old P2P Cook)
04-18-03 22:08
No 427887
      MDP2P stability.  Bookmark   

if you need tro store your ketone long term there are three easy options
How many centuries are you talking about when you say "long term"? For mere decades, washed and distilled MDP2P will keep just fine in a sealed bottle without the need for conversion into a derivative.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
(Chief Bee)
04-18-03 22:54
No 427894
      Make that "fractionally distilled ...  Bookmark   

Make that "fractionally distilled MDP2P", simple distillation of MDP2P from the performic oxidation still contains enough acidic impurities for it to discolor over a year or so at RT.
(Hive Bee)
04-22-03 11:26
No 428597
      Terbium and Rhodium  Bookmark   

All of the information I have managed to acquire states that "distilled" ketones can be stored, but only in a cool dark place (i.e. Freezer).

Are you stating that this is not necessary and that "sealed ketone", without any particular provisions for light and temperature, is sufficient for storage over (e.g. several months - 2 years)?

when we forget to pray for the angels, the angels forget to pray for us!
(Chief Bee)
04-22-03 14:49
No 428643
      Increasing the shelf life of MDP2P by purification
(Rated as: good idea!)

Direct sunlight should be excluded, and the ketone should be fractionally distilled properly after first washing a solution of it it with bicarbonate, brine and water (in that order) followed by drying, and then it will keep for well over a year at room temp, and much longer than that if you take extra care in excecuting the above purification.

Cool, dry and dark storage will prolong the shelf life even more, but is not required if the ketone is pure. Sloppily distilled ketone may discolor in just a few weeks at RT, in that case freezing is required for any storing (storage?) to be possible.
(Hive Bee)
04-23-03 09:48
No 428896
      Excellent  Bookmark   

That is the type of information that makes this place great. No more "goodies" in the freezer for swim. Just purify and distill as per your instructions. Now where did swim leave that shovel????smilesmilesmile

when we forget to pray for the angels, the angels forget to pray for us!