ja304 (Stranger)
05-17-03 10:01
No 433666
      O2 wacker - reusing IPA + catalyst  Bookmark   

After extracting the organic material, is it practical/feasible to reuse the IPA containing the catalysts for a subsequent run (as opposed to recovering the metal catalyst by distilling off the IPA)?
(Chief Bee)
05-17-03 22:43
No 433769
      Rather isolate the Pd and make new PdCl2  Bookmark   

I find it unlikely that you could re-use the solution as is with good results, as the catalytic activity of the Pd falls continuously as it is used in the reaction, and is getting contaminated by by-product sludge.
05-18-03 20:17
No 433977
      Swim had success reusing Pd  Bookmark   

Swim filters out his Pd after basifying the solution in accordance with the DMF/O2 wacker write up, and has had success reusing the Pd up to 3 times.

obvious things are often hard to see
(Hive Bee)
05-20-03 10:45
No 434293
      I find that hard to believe...  Bookmark   

And no offense meant at you stranger, just even for a non chemist. Wouldnt reactivity go down with each use? And forgive the lack of confidence in what I am stating/asking, as I am still ripping through books. Seems to me yeilds should go down greatly with each use, and I dont believe home purification under non lab conditions could produce useable pdcl2 each go... Could anyone clarify?