synthesys (Stranger)
05-23-03 12:57
No 435009
      LaBTop vs. Argon, did you see this[cool]  Bookmark   

Check out this battle inthe methods disclosure:

Post 434171 (Argon: "Complete MDMA synthesis question?", Methods Discourse)-----------------------------------------------------------
LaBTop, Daddy...

You talk a lot, I will give you that. Very little accurate content, though.

You fucking helping me?!?  Please…
The people who did help me are Krz, BrightStar, Barium, Osmium, AB2, Chromic, and SPISSHAK. You just try to confuse people.

You don’t realize one thing. This might seem like a funny joke to you, but the bullshit you posted up almost cost me my life, and others had accidents that they could not recover from and are doing time, and some are disfigured or dead.

I can’t wait for the day that we meet. Maybe then I can explain my thrustration to you better.

May be someone can help you with this question. What happens to provocateurs?

I don’t know how ignorant you have to be to post garbage like yours. I don’t have the knowledge, but I wish Barium would destroy your bullshit “Detailed Methods for Non Chemists” post.  By the way, when you say above that you did not verify anything you posted, are you publicly admitting to being a fraud?

And the rest of you, how can you allow it? Don’t you know people get hurt because of this fraud’s posts.  This is not funny.

P.S. I spoke to Krz about his posts, and what he says is that he deleted his posts because the feds were trying to IP trace him, based on info from your server, and he was deleting evidence, and has been laying low ever since. Seems someone was pissed about accurate production methods being openly posted. Was that you by chance? I guess we will soon find out.

I am going to give you a taste of your own chemistry.
05-23-03 14:13
      It's a fuckin forum for newbs you idiot.
(Rated as: flaming)