slick14 (Hive Bee)
06-12-03 22:28
No 439586
      distillation question  Bookmark   

ok swim has finally gotten distillation glass but has ran out of cash can the post 02 wacker ketone be distilled effectively without vacuum?  if not can a vacuum source be made?  swim has read about using refridgerator condenser is that possible? can an Air conditioner condenser work the same? please help

"A multiple felon perhaps, but certinly not dangerous"
Raoul Duke
06-12-03 23:07
No 439597
      Condensers don't create vacuum.  Bookmark   

Condensers don't create vacuum.
(One Man Show)
06-12-03 23:26
No 439602
      slick, I believe you meant to say ...  Bookmark   

slick, I believe you meant to say "refrigerator compressor pump"...


"...somebody is feeding these damn animals booze." Fear & Loathing