ADDkid (Stranger)
07-17-03 17:57
No 448139
      MDA ing.  Bookmark   

Most of the post on Rhodium are probably outdated when it comes to the law, can somebody tell me what the best method and precursors that are out now?  How come most attention is on Meth, I would like to hear more about MDA, I like a challenge, and with meth, not much of one, except for the Orange bothers in the pills.  thanks ADDkid
P.S. Making good meth is a challenge, it's just that now I would like to move up.
(Hive Addict)
07-18-03 01:09
No 448216
      bah...  Bookmark   

primo: wrong forum
secundo: utfse!
tertio: 1 meth forum, 6+ non-meth forums. most attention my big hairy ass.
quarto: you're welcome.