SMACK_WHORE (Stranger)
09-08-03 17:20
No 457724

i recently dreamt about an lsa extraction, heres how it went.......
*6-7 ft of morning glory vine was put in a blender.
*several soaks where done in pet. ether(1 was 12 hrs then 2 more shorter ones)to remove chloryphyll/glycosides(or whatever)
*the left over plant material was pressed to remove remaining pet. ether
*now heres the weird part of the dream....when pressed a strange off white oil came out in large amounts
when it dried it was a sort of waxy/crystal off white substance that glowed under a uv light....
WHAT DA FUC IS THIS?????could it be alkaloids?????
any help would be appreciated didnt dissolve in the pet ether it just formed globules....
maybe i shouldnt read too deep into dreams ;)
the origional format for the dream was:
this weird oil is anoying me though, it only comes out when the plant mush is pressed.Im thinkin its probably just lipids n shit but without chromatography or other methods im completley thrown off with this one.DAMMIT WHY CANT EVERYTHIN JUST WORK LIKE THE BOOKS SAY SO!!!!!!!!!

"if i had a nickel for every penny id have a lottle o quaters!"-george turnbog (:o)
(Hive Bee)
09-08-03 17:57
No 457726
      Plant gums  Bookmark   

Congrats; you've extracted a bit of crude morning glory-latex... Perhaps you can purify it further and make chewing gum of it by adding a little oil of peppermint and maltitol-syrup.

Next time try extracting the SEEDS instead!

Video meliora proboque; Deteriora sequor. -Ovid
09-08-03 20:23
No 457740
      but is it alkaloid cojntaining??  Bookmark   

ok...but do u think this latex contains alkaloids or is their still a chance that i can carry on with the extraction in my dream????

"if i had a nickel for every penny id have a lottle o quaters!"-george turnbog (:o)
(Hive Bee)
09-08-03 22:51
No 457759
      No... Buy or collect seeds next time; ...  Bookmark   

No... Buy or collect seeds next time; preferably of a variety with high lsa-content.

Video meliora proboque; Deteriora sequor. -Ovid
(A Different Title)
09-09-03 12:18
No 457890
      Well, it's possible.  Bookmark   

Rumour has it that the leaves and flowers of morning glories do contain lysergic acid amides.  I even recall seeing a recipe for morning glory wine a while back... (made from the flowers)

But how much?  Who knows... less than the seeds, that's for sure, based on my experience.

They call them fingers, but I never see them fing... oh, there they go.
09-09-03 16:38
No 457907
      Glory Gunk  Bookmark   

swim has been dreaming of lsa also,but he has been using H.B.W.R in his dreams which has provided much more lucid dreams but has enconterd no latex like gunk with his seeds what type of press were you using?

Dead puppies arnt much fun.
09-09-03 18:21
      i just squeezed
(Rated as: ALL CAPS)
09-15-03 21:16
      i got a crude but potent extract from moning...
(Rated as: incomprehensible)
09-16-03 00:15
No 459284
      ok after i found the latex i gunk i took the...  Bookmark   

ok after i found the latex  gunk i took the remaining mush and generally pissed about with it...i wont tell u exactly what i did coz i was hardly scientific.....
the only thing that worked was this
*throwing the (plant mush/NaOH solution/white spirit) into a sep. funnel and shaking it up then leaving it for several days
*when i came back the organic layer had turned a yellow clour
*i evaporated this yellow organic layer to find a crude residue
*i dissolved this residue in water and drank it
*30 mins later im getting leg cramps seeing the cloured spot, finding it hard to think straight and generally not feelin too good :)
if i do this again i will do a trraditional acid base exraction instead of being mongaloid like i was!!!!!!
the above is a work of fiction/dream acount  by smack_whore

just a little patience yeah yeah
09-16-03 02:09
(Rated as: insignificant)
(Hive Bee)
09-16-03 02:38
No 459315
      d00d  Bookmark   


PR3TT1 UNK3WL D00D!  laughlaughlaughlaugh

if i do this again i will do a trraditional acid base exraction instead of being mongaloid like i was!!!!!!

Glad you say it yourself wink 'cause I know for sure there is a potent laxative/purgative in the leaf, vine and latex of morning glory vines. Yes they also contain some ergolines but that is exactly the reason why the seed is always used! The seed is void of this laxative.

Also, other non-ergoline alkaloid containing ipomoea and convolvulus vines contain the same laxative.

Can't remember off-head what that potent laxative was (check Pharmacotheon by Jonathan Ott, my copy is currently not nearby), if it's an alkaloid or not, but if it is an alkaloid, your A/B will not help much here.

Also, I think to extract lysergic acid derivatives, you might consider using less drastic pH conditions then a solution of NaOH, try sodium carbonate or ammonia instead. And where I live hardware store white-spirit leaves a residue after evaporation, so you might also consider using toluene instead.

A Dream Within A Dream (
09-16-03 08:00
No 459366
      REQ: Refs for Ergolines in Morning Glory Vine  Bookmark   

Vitus_Verdegast: Do you have any refs to journal articles, etc about lysergic acid derivatives in morning glory vine?

10 * 10,000 * $1 = $100,000
(Hive Addict)
09-16-03 10:11
No 459373
      Ipomoea spp  Bookmark   

The ethnomedical use of Ipomoea spp leaves and powdered root is known. The applied species, however, are not the ones you grow in your garden as a so-called ornamental. Furthermore, its use as a herbal medicine in some regions of the world does not automatically imply that the leaves (or roots) contain LSA (and structurally related) substances. For as far as I and you know, the active components might be completely different (although wishful thinking is always allowed).
Those looking for basic information on morning glories, don't forget the Erowid website! ( For more information, the following articles might be of interest as well:

- A Hofmann. Die Wirkstoffe der mexikanischen Zauberdroge Ololiuqui. Planta Medica 9 (1961) 354.
- JM Chao, AH Der Marderosian. Ergoline alkaloidal constituents of Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose, Argyreia nervosa (Burm. f.) Bojer. J Pharm Sci 62(4) (1973) 588
- K Genest. A direct densitometric method on thin-layer plates for the determination of lysergic acid amide, isolysergic acid amide and clavine alkaloids in morning glory seeds. J Chrom 19 (1965) 531.
- CG Santesson. Piule, eine mexikanische Rauschdroge. Arch Pharm (1937) 532 (interesting from a historical POV only).
- WA Taber, LC Vining, RA Heacock. Clavine and lysergic acid alkaloids in varieties of morning glory. Phytochemistry 2 (1963) 65.
- WA Taber, RA Heacock, ME Mahon. Ergot-type alkaloids in vegetative tissue of Rivea corymbosa (L.) Hall. f. Phytochemistry 2 (1963) 99.

The last article might support the idea that there are ergot-type alkaloids present in parts other then the seeds, but as you read the title, you have to take into consideration that the article only concerns a study of Rivea corymbosa, which is not the same as the more popular ornamental morning glory species.

Advanced clitoris massage specialist. 32 years of experience. PM me for a "sample".
09-24-03 05:46
No 460656
      ipomoea vs. grocery store coffee grinder  Bookmark   

SWWOVS got 1 lb mg seeds through order from a local feed and seed in ye olde college towne. from the title, you understand the prep.
consumed around 2 tbsp foul ethanol-saturated grindage-jelly with strawberry ice cream chaser.
purgative/laxative/vasoconstrictive (leg cramps). The peak consisted of a hint of paper-acid patterns as in the come on coupled with projectile vomiting, writhing, and begging for mercy. I recommend this to everyone.
Just find a reliable source of the ole' 25, and forget the seeds.
09-24-03 23:01
No 460795
      SWIM noticed the particularly swollen conical...  Bookmark   

SWIM noticed the particularly swollen conical stalks that branch off the Ipomea Violicae vine and carry the seed-pod. He also knew from previous readings that only the seeds contain lysergic compounds, so he did not expect any effects from the afformentioned stalks.

But SWIM decided to eat four of these stalks simply to taste them (seriously). They exploded in his mouth like a juicy tomato does, for example. Unfortunately, the "juice" had a very strong taste to it, which had a potatoey (They are from the same genus, aren't they?)flavour with with a really bad edge. About a couple of hours later, SWIM was alarmed to notice that he was getting threshold LSA effects (Trailing, auras, fatigue (Especially in forearms and shins), nausea, and general light-headedness on the level of cannabis.) which lasted for about 5-6 hours. SWIM does not think this was placebo, given the fact that he did not expect any effects, and that the effects where very pronounced.

I just thought I'd share that anecdote with you bees if it interests anyone :)

09-25-03 02:04
No 460839
      purgative/laxative/vasoconstrictive (leg ...  Bookmark   

purgative/laxative/vasoconstrictive (leg cramps).

Are you suspecting that the seed were coated with something to discourage consumption?
09-25-03 06:46
No 460908
      Angel's trumpet  Bookmark   

P hopes that if any of you filthy gobblers ;) finds a datura that you don't go chewing on it,too much.A friend had a greenhouse with one in it,and the neighbour's horse broke out and made his way in, and chewed some.He went mad:trampled the whole greenhouse,kicked in the walls,attacked and damaged a snowmobile,got on the back porch and crapped/pissed all over,tried to get in the house,and attempted to trample the mailman.Next,he got on the highway and nearly caused a crash,but not before running through a few fences.After a few hours of similar nonsense,he calmed down a bit and spent 8 hours shaking his head while whinnying.The vet came and didn't know what to do..worried a tranquilizer might do more harm than good.
(Hive Addict)
09-25-03 11:17
No 460943
      I took!  Bookmark   

lessee.. after basifying the latex saponins, you got... SOAP! Next time, just drink the dishwashing liquid, it's probably safer...laugh lmao

Infinite Radiant Light - THKRA
09-26-03 07:39
      in reply to fuckin ...
(Rated as: offending)