SMACK_WHORE (Stranger)
09-19-03 21:31
No 459980
      myristicin "5 bond carbon"???????  Bookmark   

im lookin at an aromatherapy book with some pics of some alkenylbenzenes.....the one for myristicin looks like this:

(methylenedioxy 4-MeO-benzene)-CH2=CHCH2

it is my understanding that carbon makes 3 or 4 bonds yet this diagram shows the first carbon from the benzene ring making 5 bonds...the last carbon on the chain is only makin 3 bonds though.....
is this just some sloppy diagram drawin or is sumthin weird happenin????the diagrams for dill/parsley apiole where the same too :(
any help for a confused lil whore would be appreciated :)

"if i had a nickel for every penny id have a lottle o quaters!"-george turnbog (:o)
(Chief Bee)
09-19-03 22:34
No 459987
      Myristicin structure  Bookmark   

That book must be in error, as in all but a few cases, carbons have four bonds.

The correct structure for myristicin (3,4-Methylenedioxy-5-Methoxy-1-Allylbenzene) looks like this:

09-19-03 23:11
No 459990
      thanks dude  Bookmark   

it was nice of you to put that up for me :)

i can get back to havin hopefull dreams now.....
fuckin aromatherapists drawin pics they have no right drawin!(>:O)

"if i had a nickel for every penny id have a lottle o quaters!"-george turnbog (:o)