wolfx (Hive Bee)
09-29-03 00:45
No 461530
      2,5-DMBA  Bookmark   

I have a few questions on 2,5-DMBA ( aka 2,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde )

1) Is it hygroscopic ? MP affected by water content ?

2) Shelf life, best way to store ?

3) If it looks like flat flakes, opaque white, a bit yellow, is it OK ?

4) If water is a concern, best way to dry it ( I hope it is not ).

5) Is 2,5-DMB = 2,5-DMBA = 2,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde ?


Sorry, I mean MP, not BP. Post edited already. Also added one dash. Since it seems to be non-hygroscopic, I assume water is not a concern.

(Stoni's sexual toy)
09-29-03 01:02
No 461535
      > 1) Is it hygroscopic ? No.  Bookmark   

> 1) Is it hygroscopic ?


> BP affected by water content ?

Why do you want to boil it?

> 2) Shelf life,

Depends. Probably years.

> best way to store ?

Cool, dry, dark, tightly closed glass bottle.

> 3) If it looks like flat flakes, opaque white, a bit yellow, is it OK ?

Probably yes.

> 4) If water is a concern, best way to dry it ( I hope it is not ).

Vacuum desiccator.

I'm not fat just horizontally disproportionate.
(Hive Bee)
09-29-03 02:22
No 461546
      Post edited  Bookmark   

I mean MP, not BP. Post has been edited.
09-29-03 12:52
No 461623
      MP  Bookmark   

The MP is 52° Celcius

(Chief Bee)
09-29-03 13:47
No 461626
      water affecting mp  Bookmark   

And the mp will definitely be affected by water content as well as other impurities.
(martha stewart's little bitch)
09-29-03 18:28
No 461649
      answer  Bookmark   

5) yes

Tant pis!
(Hive Addict)
09-29-03 19:35
No 461658
      UTFSE for 4  Bookmark   

Post 424493 (GC_MS: "2,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde and auto-oxidation", Newbee Forum)

Advanced clitoris massage specialist. 32 years of experience. PM me for a "sample".