Earendel (Stranger)
10-11-03 14:32
No 463971
      MDP2P storage in solvent     

Dear bees, I need your advice!
I've distilled my ketone after MM wacker, but my condenser suddenly cracked frown
I don't know what to do???
May I storage my notdistilled ketone for 2-3 days in freezer or it will decompose???
Pliase help, it's real sad for me!!!

Do What Thou Wilt!
10-11-03 19:45
No 464026
      Your undistilled ketone will be fine in the...     

Your undistilled ketone will be fine in the freezer for a few days.. Seal up the container though. Swim has stored  undistilled ketone from mm wacker for up to two weeks with no problems.

I went into the business for the money, and the art grew out of it.-Charlie Chaplin

(Hive Bee)
10-11-03 21:08
No 464044
      short storage of K = no prob     

I concur w/Pickler, just seal the container, making it airtight. You should be fine for at least 2 weeks, maybe longer.

good luck & peace
10-11-03 21:55
No 464050

You are calmed me down.

Thanx one more  smile

Do What Thou Wilt!
10-12-03 16:13
No 464171
      Stable ketone...?     

SWIM left a beaker with a bit of post-H2SO4 hydrolyzed ketone (or at least he hoped it was 'tone!!) from a peracetic in a beaker wraped in al foil for 2 months, no freezer, but the room was kinda coldish - temp wouldnt have gone above 15C in that time.  Everything was in the beaker - no purification at all.  Just neutralized the H2SO4 w/ NaOH soltn., wrapped in foil and left it.  Came back and for the hell of it did a bisulfite - big lump of chicken fatty stuff came out.  He did an IR on it, and despite all the crap there was defnately a ketone peak.  so maybe ketone's not all that unstable... I mean, if it had been summer, probably a different story, but at least winter's good for something laugh (and to think he thought the peracetic failed! course, it could have been some other fucked up thing, but who knows)