GC_MS (Hive Addict)
11-09-03 20:04
No 469815
      Aryl Halides to Thiophenols using Thiourea     

I have a question concerning the following page on Rh's page:

../rhodium /thiophenol.thiourea.html

The patent describes the reaction between a aryl halide and thiourea to yield a thiophenol after addition of aqueous NaOH. My question: what is the intermediate of the reaction between the aryl halide and thiourea? Is it the thiouronium salt or another compound?

Advanced clitoris massage specialist. 32 years of experience. PM me for a "sample".
11-10-03 04:21
No 469921
      Post 433179     

Post 433179 (catastrophe: "Aralkyl halides to Thiols", Chemistry Discourse)