11-19-03 09:13
No 471697
Eliminating Mercury
If one vacuum distills an impure freebase that may contain small amounts of mercury in the form of almagams and/or salts, could some mercury make its way into the distillate?
Which would YOU rather have in your Corn Pops?
(Hive Addict)
11-19-03 14:11
No 471726
there (practically) isn't any mercury, because a) it was reduced to the metal and thus was never in your organic phase b) you conscientiously washed your organic phase.
patriots are idiots
(Hive Bee)
11-20-03 20:02
No 472027
Try it yourself
U can try it yourself. A good test is to precipitate Hg as HgS wich is L=1*10E-47. If u cant see a precipitate u can be sure that no Hg is present. :-)
(Hive Bee)
11-21-03 00:25
No 472086
As long as you perform the extractions and washes as per the write up and distill your FB, there won't be any mercury.
Worker bees can leave Even drones can fly away The queen is their slave