voodooman (Stranger)
11-19-03 09:12
No 471757
      MDA via > Hexamethylenetetramine Method     

Good Day all, I am back again for a question, I have searched a few times but came up dry about this method, I do apologize if it has been posted and has been talked about but my search didn't get any thing, The reason why I chose this reaction because of its sheer simplicity and frankly nothing needed to be done other then waiting a few weeks "setting the reaction flask to the side for a while. "
Does any one have info on this procedure, has any one tired it or done it, I am very curious but I wouldn't want to waste my precursors on this and have no fruit from my work, thanx you guys in advance!

( http://rhodium.ws/chemistry/tcboe/chapter7.html )< First one

Admin of FUZION FXP respect or DIE ^-^
(Hive Addict)
11-19-03 09:19
No 471760

this is the delepine reaction. consensus is that it does not work.
the fact is mentioned ad nauseum in tfse, so you might want to
work on your searching skills. tongue

patriots are idiots
11-19-03 10:42
No 471778

the fact is mentioned ad nauseum in tfse

I dont understand!


Admin of FUZION FXP respect or DIE ^-^
(Chief Bee)
11-19-03 10:46
No 471779

11-19-03 11:39
No 471792
      got cha     

ah yes of course, Thank you

Admin of FUZION FXP respect or DIE ^-^