(Hive Addict)
01-16-04 05:50
No 482745
Get 3 of everything...
On day 7 of the performic/NaBH4 route, my advice to bee's is to get 3 of everything you think you'll need.. and have a friendly glass blower handy ( lucky i did) in case the glass karma sprite comes calling..
3 sets, cause you don't have to wash up after reactions, you can parallel process your stages, and you have a spare when that keck clip you forgot to put on your thermometer adapter is laying on the bench while the thermometer bounces between the ceiling and the floor!
On the home stretch.. must say that MeAmHCl sure makes pretty flakes!!!
Infinite Radiant Light - THKRA
(Hive Addict)
01-16-04 09:54
No 482770
what happened?
> while the thermometer bounces between the ceiling and the floor!
did you work under pressure? otherwise i can't see the thermometer jumping out of the joint!?
filter(lambda W : W not in 'ILLITERATE','BULLSHIT')