jammin (Newbee)
02-23-04 05:31
No 490582
      Testing methods / training     

I've been reading the hive for a while now, and im getting ready for my first experiment...

But i want some pratice first.
For example salting out a freebase using titration with HCl.

I dont want to waste any honey, so is there anything i could test this with?

swim has no chemestry traning at all from school, but have read "The Organic Chemistry Lab Survival Manual" and serveral other textbooks. But alas, swim lacks practical traning.... Swim also has lab glassware.

can someone help swim with examples on methods?

Like salting out meth freebase, what can i test this with?

i've of course read:
../rhodium /equipment/rextal.a-b.basics.html

but i want to test it in practice...

so i dont fuck up the real thing....  blush
