Pethidine (Hive Bee)
03-14-04 05:59
No 494966

Thought that this question belonged in the newbee forum...

Regarding Apomorphine, I know this substance is not a controlled substance, but given its direct derivation from morphine treated with HCl, would it be considered a drug precursor?  I am not interested in trying to derive morphine from this compound, my interest is more in the drug's emetic effect.  My concern is, would authorities think that I was trying to derive morphine from this compound, and is that even possible (for apomorphine to be changed back to morphine)?

Any input is appreciated.  Again, I am not interested in changing apomorphine back to morphine, if that is even possible, but if it is, then I can see a chemical supplier being suspicious?...


Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth thrown in; aim at Earth and you will get neither.
(Chief Bee)
03-14-04 19:13
No 495078

would it be considered a drug precursor?

Not at all, as its structure is completely dissimilar to morphine and cannot be made into an active opioid again.

The Hive - Clandestine Chemists Without Borders
(Hive Bee)
03-14-04 22:06
No 495128
      That's what I needed to know...thanks     

Thanks Rhodium,

I was fairly sure it would be safe, but wanted an expert opinion. 


Aim at Heaven and you will get Earth thrown in; aim at Earth and you will get neither.