edo (Stranger)
04-09-04 11:57
No 499876
      Bad week for swim     

It was been a very bad week for swim. Swim tried al/hg MM method but yielded <1g of orange/yellow salt(on more than one occasion)crazy.What usually causes this? Swim thinks its bad ketone.(used a darker pdcl2).The color looks right bright neon.ketone was also double distilled.

The methanol swim is using has alittle flavoring to it
but swim has had some success with same methanol. yield was 20.5g, 8g....

madSwim also broke a 2l flask
04-09-04 18:38
No 499908
      I donīt think its the ketone.     

I donīt think its the ketone. If it came over as normally
than why do you think its bad?
Maybe poorer PdCl2 would give a lower yield.

What about your gasing?
Was it really dry? Or too much HCl pumped into the solvent?
Just a thought.
(Hive Bee)
04-09-04 20:27
No 499926
      I'd lean towards Maya's questions especially...     

I'd lean towards Maya's questions especially about how dry it is and overgassing. Orangeish tannish is the color of the toluene/product if it is over acidified. Ya gotta gas really slow and with patience keeping a really good eye on suckback. Ive also read plenty of posts about a sort of oil forming in the solution if the gassing phase isnt completely dry.
Did you distill the freebase?

Basify your toluene phase and separate the water. Dry the toluene (azeotropical distillation rocks for this) and strip the toluene under some vacuum. Then distill your MDMA properly. No matter what your yields were (not if it was zero of course ), this will give you a product which is very easy to crystallize.

It can't be said enough (heavens knows it took my alter ego ages to learn it):
Doing reactions quick'n'dirty is like pissing in your pants on a winter day - it feels nice the first few minutes... But you will regret it in the end

Post 496106 (Bandil: "Probably due to impure ketone", Newbee Forum) <-- altho i dont believe your issue is due to impure ketone like my imaginary friend's was
I hadda find and quote that one cuz i love the analogy. smile

Never take a fox's word that the hens are safe.
04-10-04 02:54
No 499972
      Swim thought it was bad ketone cause when he...     

Swim thought it was bad ketone cause when he used different batch of ketone(different pdcl2)He had better results.
Gassing is done via video editor's method Post 265010 (VideoEditor: "New Clean Gassing Method!", Newbee Forum)with a little modification. Swim added an air pump and some hoses with a glass tip to gas.
Hum.. it could be the gas isnt dry enough.How many seconds does swim have to gas/wait for? Swim gasses for a few seconds and wait.When nothing happends swim says fuck it and gass' the shit out of it (xylene turns orange.)Swim didnt distill freebase, he will next time

Swim will try again hopefully with better results.
