Chewbacca (Hive Bee)
04-27-04 00:12
No 503277
      Paranoia(?): Solvent Neurotoxic Hazard info     

After several occasions of intoxicating oneself with that bastard methylbenzene, SWIC realised that the fashion in which he handled it were highly unsatisfactory (ie poor ventilation, small workplace abounding in vapours). Recent meth withdrawal has left SWIC feeling very sketchy, a neurotic mess infact, and he can't shake the feeling that toluene may have caused long term defection. Is it abnormal to have slight visuospacial distortion on meth withdrawal? What sort of concentrations/frequency of toluene exposure are likely to cause irriversible complications?

cheers, thanks for your input

The shit we go through to get high...
(Hive Bee)
04-27-04 02:49
No 503292
      toluene brain damage     

You have to do more than huff toluene a few times to get permanent damage. It will eventually happen however. afaik, toluene is not carcinogenic, but it does hurt braincells.

more likely is you haven't been feeding yourself properly and you're just in need of nutrition...

...and get some good ventilation in your lab before you turn it into nice large pretty hydrocarbon chain reaction explosion with bonus red phosphorous fire and rapid sublimation of the iodine sitting around...