StrikesStudent (Stranger)
07-05-04 14:49
No 517549
      set the rookie straight     

Hey all

Great site!! just recently bought "Total Synthesis 2". What a great book. Im looking to do a little chemistry and as far as Science is concerned ive no qualifications unless you'd consider a pass Jr Cert in School one haha!Anyway ive tried out a few harmless receipies in the past i got from with houseware and shite like that. Needless to say the outcome for what one hoped to be Meth ended up a jug a shite you wouldnt touch with your fingers, let alone your lungs. I have a resonabley good understanding of the Chemicals & glassware listed in my new book and im a very fast learner! My last experiment might have only cost me about E60/70 (including E30 wourth of vicks nasel inhalerss) but when you pay for crap you've paid too much. Ive no problem forkin out for magnetic/heating stirplates & distilation kits etc etc.(i have the cole-palmer Catalogue). In saying that i will need reasureance and more then a little help along the way. ive good patients but there's not a fucking chance that im going to buy a $100 of sassafras oil unless im certin im on the right track. ive viewed some great forums for beginers here and elsewhere but i thought personalising my backround and having a bit of one2one/forum attachments mite help me along my way. So anyway what im asking for is any good advice one could give me on how to play safe and suceed 1st time! i dont know if this is alot to ask for or not but on my behalf im willing to do what im told without any short cuts and what ever else needs doing! I dont have any specific Q's on any one chemical proceedure yet but if someone could reccomend a route that they reccon would suit me, that would be much appriciated too, exp: sassafras oil< safrole< issosafrole< MD-p-2-p< MDA etc. Of the 'X' & Amphetamine class id be going for the non meth proceedure for simplicity reasons as well as that "shure why not?". If dexadrine is reasonabley easier then MDA ill opt for that insted, Whatever!!! One more Q: if Amphetamine (dexadrine) is crytalised can it be smoked like ice (crystal meth)?

07-05-04 14:55
No 517550
      in regards to MDMA, the oxime route is nice.     

in regards to MDMA, the oxime route is nice. The standard nitromethane+al/hg workup from mdp2p oxidised anywhich way you want is probably the preferrend way to go. in terms of effort and f**ing around, nitromethane is probably easier to get than methylamine from hexamine which is a bit of a pain. (for now anyways. when you start getting more experience you'll probably switch to methylamine)

safrole is watched, and you don't really need more than what's for personal use otherwise your consituting distribution, so you could even do something like extract a kilo of hot peppers and hydrolise to the substituted benzaldehyde then work that up in an aldol condensation and baeyer-villager oxidise it. you'd get enough for you, which is all that matters.

UTFSE: you'll hear this a lot. it means use the fkin search engine. search for any of those things that was just mentioned and you'll get more luck.

Happy psychonauting
07-21-04 13:50
No 520587
      Now I'm lost...     

Can you tell me if using the Nitro Al/Hg workup it is possible to get MDA instead of MDMA by substituting the MDP2P with its Oxime?

(Hive Bee)
07-21-04 16:50
No 520613
      Yes it is possible     

Take a look at this link on rhodium's site

../rhodium /alhg.oxime.html

Its all there!! A bit harder then a regular reductive amination, but doable.