Gravimetric (Stranger)
07-05-04 13:13
No 517615
      Codeine extraction from soluble tablets     

I UTFSE but to no avail WRT soluble tablets. Its a very basic question, even for the "Newbee forum"....

Having read ../rhodium /codeine.chromic.html the process of seperating codeine and caffeine seems pretty simplistic. However, due to "ease of procurement", I am thinking of using tablets which are soluble. They contain 500mg paracetamol, 30mg caffeine and 8mg codeine each. The scale would be involving 3~5g of codeine, so several hundred tablets.
Would just using a smaller amount of water be enough, to prevent whatever mechanism they use to dissolve the paracetamol from working, or would there be need for a more complex extraction, such as the acid/base method talked of here : Post 499961 (BieneMaya: "have a look at this", Chemicals & Equipment) .
I've done CWE before but not on soluble tablets. If push comes to shove I can use the non-soluble brands but they come in smaller quantities, so more hassle getting enough packets to be practical.

Thanks :)
(Hive Bee)
07-06-04 14:20
No 517802

Here you will find your answer....
07-07-04 13:55
No 517999
      Hmm....seems it doesn't give a method but...     

Hmm....seems it doesn't give a method but rather "Don't bother with dissolvable tablets" :(

To make things simpler I'll just go with non-soluble tablets which removes the problem of caffeine too. Just got get some Sodium Carbonate to do the chloroform extraction to get a decent yield. It'll be fiddly enough with all those tablets.

Thanks :)
07-08-04 20:54
No 518325
      expected yeilds     

gday, im hoping to do the same thing in a couple of days. I recently aquired 200 - 8mg codeine phosphate tablets for AUS$28.60. Is that a good price and what yields i should expect