07-12-04 16:49
No 519001
      inorganic question ( Nb to Nb(V) )
(Rated as: Read the FAQ to learn proper post linking!)

Inspired by demorols post (# 518590); how would one go from Niobium metal to Niobium (V) Chloride? (NbCl5)

I believe it is the highest oxidation state of Niobium.

Tube furnace/Cl2 gas? How hot?

Electro chem?

Some Aqua Reagia round about way?

Any thoughts are appreciated.

(Hive Bee)
07-13-04 00:00
No 519068
      Nb(V) salts hydrolize     

Surelly not with aqueous chemistry, so you can forget aqua regia, electrolysis and similar. Nb(V) salts hydolize to Nb2O5.
I suspect you would need a high temperature chlorination with Cl2. So like you already suspected you would need a special furnace for that.

“The real drug-problem is that we need more and better drugs.” – J. Ott
(Hive Bee)
07-13-04 14:44
No 519193
      you didn't ask in German, but...     

this is what i have on my computer, and it is understandable.
Georg Brauer, Handbuch der Praparativen Anorganischen Chemie 1444-1446 (1981)

Can you feel it? Can you feel the power? -Emery Blagdon- dead artist, eccentric inventor, shaman