Pots (Stranger)
07-20-04 15:24
No 520411
      Thanks heaps everyone     

From a starting point of absolutely no chemistry experience I have finally done it. I used to think you needed to be a highly qualified chemist to make MDMA and then I found this site and Rhodium about 5 months ago. I did 1 semester of lab and chem techniques at college and with all my spare time been studying this site and slowly collecting all the gear that I needed. I didn't want to take any chances so I bought good quality glassware and AR reagent chemicals. Well,I nearly shit my pants with happiness when on my first attempt I got a heap of MDMA drop out of the toluene solution. I have since done it a few more times just to prove it wasn't a fluke. Some say that a 50/50 mix of MDMA/MDA is the perfect roll so now my obsession is to get the other one right but I'm still working on that. So thanks once again to all those bees here that helped me with my success. I never realized chemistry could be such a buzz.....and I'm saving heaps of money coz pills where I come from are expensive....$50 each

(Hive Bee)
07-20-04 15:53
No 520414

ok so you made mdma and have an up and runing mdma fountain,but you just started posting yesterday and in the 5 months it took you to gather evry thing up you made just this one post?so you dident have any questins about the process? well good for you man when i started here i couldent even make L.S.A without asking ten questins

07-21-04 05:37
No 520524
      Different Strokes for different Folks     

All my questions were answered by doing a semester at college and following the advice of Methyl Man, Brightstar and Doctor Drool's respective MDMA synth recipe's from Rhodium which are absolutely brilliant. I take my hat of to them. Actually it was their advice that prompted me to go to college in the first place and it was worth the effort.

07-21-04 05:45
No 520530
      Congratulations! I wish i was that bright...     

Congratulations! I wish i was that bright myself ...
*sigh* :)

don't mind me, i'm an idiot
07-22-04 21:10
No 520851
      SWIM's FOAF spent 3 times your time and wasted     

SWIM's FOAF spent 3 times your time and wasted around 1L of safrole and 10g of pdcl2 and no proper product was obtained. You are really good, keep that up man. Cheers....

oops i did it again
07-23-04 10:23
No 521058
      Never Mind....keep trying     

I'd suggest u try again with Methyl Man's write-up if u aren'nt already and try to be really obsessive-compulsive about following his instructions exactly. Also I always like to scale everything down to micro-scale until I have a win then with greater confidence u can start scaling up to full scale. You don't waste too many chemicals that way. Good luck.
(Hive Bee)
07-27-04 05:17
No 521916

Pots on your success.If only everyone would follow your ways
by taking a basic night course,using a little common sense, and actually following  the protocols that Bees have taken the time to write up and be posted on Rhodium's page...now you may want to pay your dues by helping out some newbees ;)

...a cunning linguist and a master debater.