krazy89 (Stranger)
08-08-04 17:05
No 524251
      BS mdma synth question     

hey everyone,

has anyone with experience with the BS synth help me out?

i've read the final step like 10000x and still don't get it completely.

Can anyone give a more detailed account of the steps required for the mdma oil -> crystal?


(Hive Bee)
08-09-04 02:25
No 524331
      Since your new......     

Since your new ill be nice. But you really do need to UTFSE.
SWIM is not really sure what Your problem is because the write-up is right on. but this is basicly what your doing...

1. BS wants you to dry isopropylalcohol with a drying agent. Magnisium sulfate or sodium sulfate. What ever. But make sure its real dry. Or buy the stuff pure.
2. Mix 100ml of IPA and 150ml of Xylene together.
3. Then add this to your MDMA oil. SWIM would put about 20-30g's of MDMA oil here.
4. Stir (how ever your going to stir it.)
5. DRip your Hydrochloric acid slowly into the solution to a PH of around 5-6.
6. Then distill it.(dont go over 120deg.)
7. You will see the crystals form as you distill. You can stop and filter if you want. And then distill some more. When finished SWIM would say add some acetone to dry it out some more. And put it in the freezer. And in the morning youll find more crystals.
If youve done all of this reaction, and are having problems here maybe you dont have the MDMA oil. Its kind of hard to mess this up. Especially if youve done the rest of the reaction.

I think i like it!
08-09-04 11:40
(Rated as: insignificant)
08-09-04 12:30
      Yeah....sometimes after reading heaps of ...
(Rated as: insignificant)
08-09-04 12:44
(Rated as: insignificant)