bobcat31467 (Stranger)
08-26-04 13:39
No 527467
      crystally white, to molten green.     

SWIM finally got a little batch of honey to go his way. The yield was low, but SWIM evaporated in Dh2o. It was sure a pretty sight. However, when taken to the molten stage it went green.  I asked about some street grade(going green), and got no reply.  The color doesn't affect it any. One more question though. Is it the real deal?  And what makes it green?

Wind em up, and watch em "GO"
(Hive Bee)
08-26-04 14:16
No 527473
      just UTFSE, doesnt anyone use it anymore?     

just UTFSE, doesnt anyone use it anymore? theres heaps of info bout green go go, just look before you ask.

Your an individual just like everyone else
08-27-04 17:17
No 527792
      Soundz like tripliodine??     

Soundz like tripolidine??

Got gunz™
(Hive Bee)
08-28-04 08:59
No 527920
      One thing i dont get is, bees say the anthis...     

One thing i dont get is, bees say the anthis can be removed with an a/b
The post workup to a rxn is an a/b... so then how can an antihis came over to the final product?

Your an individual just like everyone else
08-28-04 23:57
No 528002
      What if your RXN is bot followed by Titration?     

What if your RXN is bot followed by Titration?

Got gunz
(Hive Bee)
08-29-04 14:39
No 528110
      SpamIam... you dont know what your talking...     

SpamIam... you dont know what your talking about, your a newbee so your forgiven. Titration is APART of an a/b
By the way, this thread should be in the stimulants forum as it is about meth.

Your an individual just like everyone else
08-29-04 16:19
No 528116
      evaporate in dh2o ???     

are you talking about the final product? it seem that you did not follow the full labcycle, including A/B and freebase distillation - or maybe i did not catch your question.
My product allways looks like this: