09-01-04 18:36
No 529005
my blue paraformaldehye !
lets say swim wanted to dream up some methylamine. but his paraformaldehye contained some blue tint. could he continue on? would there be problems goint the b/s route? or should he get rid of the tint somehow? How?
(Hive Bee)
09-02-04 00:37
No 529067
dont use it.
It looks and smells like para..but its definately not 100%. The blue dye can be partially washed out with alcohol or water..but it will still have a tint..and you will find when you go to use it..it wont fully dissolve. The best option here (if you have NO other alternatives) is to subliminate it in a filter flask. Direct the gas into cold distilled water. Even doing this you will probably only get a 25% yield. I think they use formaldehyde in ponds to control bacteria or something.
The shortest distance between two points is a straight line
09-02-04 16:00
No 529219
Do a search on blue paraformaldehye.
Do a search on blue paraformaldehye. Someone else had run into this problem awhile ago. No bad results if Swim remembers right.
I went into the business for the money, and the art grew out of it.-Charlie Chaplin
09-03-04 01:00
No 529219
Do a search on blue paraformaldehye.
Do a search on blue paraformaldehye. Someone else had run into this problem awhile ago. No bad results if Swim remembers right.
I went into the business for the money, and the art grew out of it.-Charlie Chaplin
09-23-04 03:29
No 532767
Wouldn't it be easier to just buy a couple gallons of formaldehyde from an online chemical supplier? I don't believe it's watched