Xochipilli (Newbee)
07-05-00 08:36
No 24923
      Chem Dictionary  Bookmark   

Things in the Serious Chemistry forum seem to stay in view longer.
So what the hell, Here is LaBTop's original post.
Feel Free to post new links here as well.

General Chemistry Facts
This will keep the hardcore, fanatic newbees and oldbees at least a few weeks off the streets, I hope.
So they want to take away our KNOWLEDGE?
Idiots, here is your KNOWLEDGE:

This will hopefully enormously boost the overall knowledge from The Hive, so try to read as much as you can, you quacks, my dear students.   

The first one is to get a taste of that old, younger days, ever wondering, feeling back:

About Rainbows http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/staff/blynds/rnbw.html
Solar and lunar rainbow formation. From Beverly Lynds, Unidata Program Center.

Advanced Chemical Topics http://www.chem.vt.edu/RVGS/ACT/notes/ACT-notes.html
Information on chemical reactions, formulas, and basic concepts from Gwen Sibert, Roanoke Valley Governor's School.

Atomic Orbitals http://www.albany.net/~cprimus/orb/index.html
David Manthey’s static and MPEG models of electron orbitals.

Aufbau1 http://www.netcomuk.co.uk/~rpeters1/index.htm
Atoms, equations, and organic chemistry lessons, as well as biology and classical music materials.

Band Theory http://www.chembio.uoguelph.ca/educmat/chm729/band/intro.htm
Molecular orbitals of materials. From Steve Kornic, University of Guelph.

Betha Chemistry Tutorial http://chemistry.ohio-state.edu/betha/
Balancing equations, gas laws, quantum mechanics. From Ohio State University.

Bio- and Chemiluminescence (special interest) http://chemistry.tqn.com/library/weekly/aa030998a.htm
Bio-, chemi-, and other luminescent phenomena.

Biology 4 http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/biology/bio4fv/page/lect_o.htm
Topics include atomic bonding and enzymology. From Brooklyn College, City University of New York.

Buffers for pH Control http://www.bi.umist.ac.uk/users/mjfrbn/Buffers/Makebuf.asp
Java applet generating recipes for defined buffers. From Rob Beynon, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology.

Caduceus MCAT Online http://www.scientia.org/caddemo/home.html
Explanations of questions in general chemistry and organic chemistry. From Scientia Incorporated.

Chem101 http://library.advanced.org/3310/lographics/index.html
General chemistry online textbook and experiments.

Chem101 Online http://www.phs.uiuc.edu/~pearman/101Online/
General chemistry, organic chemistry, electrochemistry, thermodynamics, and more. From Ryan Pearman.

Chem121 http://www.chemistry.ohio-state.edu/~chan/chem121.html
Lectures for introductory chemistry course taught by Michael Chan, Ohio State University.

Chem 299 http://www.chem.uidaho.edu/~chem103/pc299.html
Series of lecture notes for general chemistry class. Also, see the Honors class notes for biochemistry, electrochemistry, and physical chemistry. From University of Idaho.

Chemical Context of Life http://west.cscwc.pima.edu/~achristensen/chemreview.html
Introduction to chemistry for biology majors. From Pima Community College.

Chemical Demonstrations http://chemwww.byu.edu/chemed/index.htm
List of available audiovisuals and other materials that help explain chemical reactions. From Brigham Young University.

Chemical Education http://chemed.chem.purdue.edu/index.html
Chemistry help for general, organic, and inorganic chemistry. From Purdue University.

Chemical Redox Reactions http://www.pascalpress.com.au/chredoxr.shtml
Lecture notes from John Bullivant, Sydney University.

Chemical Sciences http://www.compusmart.ab.ca/plambeck/che/struct/index.htm
Series of lectures spanning many topics in chemistry. From James A. Plambeck, Virtual University North.

CHEMINFO http://www.indiana.edu/~cheminfo/400lecnt.html
Chemical Information Sources and Services Lecture Notes.

Chemistry 1000 http://henri.chem.uleth.ca/C1000/
Introductory chemistry course with answers to assignments. From Marc Roussel, University of Lethbridge.

Chemistry 1201 http://www.chem.lsu.edu/lucid/limbach/1201_f97/chapters_intro.html
General chemistry notes From Patrick A. Limbach, Louisiana State University. See Chemistry 2001 http://www.chem.lsu.edu/lucid/limbach/2001_f98/chapters_intro.html
for Analysis, Equilibria, Chromatography, Electrochemistry, and Spectroscopy.

Chemistry 2000 http://henri.chem.uleth.ca/C2000/
Intermediate chemistry and thermodynamics course with answers to assignments. From Marc Roussel, University of Lethbridge.

Chemistry and the World Around Us http://wulff.mit.edu/Archive95/world/
Lectures in materials chemistry. From Donald R. Sadoway, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Chemistry Fundamentals Program http://www.shodor.org/UNChem/index.html
Basic to advanced lesson reviews. From the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Chemistry GSCE http://www.purchon.co.uk/science/chemistry.html
Basics of pH, organic and inorganic chemistry, chromatography, and catalysis for biology students. From Nigel D. Purchon.

Chemistry in the Modern World http://wwwchem.csustan.edu/chem1002/chem1002.htm
Introductory lab exercises from California State University at Stanislaus. Also, see the tutorials http://wwwchem.csustan.edu/Tutorials/tutmenu.htm
in spectral analysis and titration.

Chemistry in the World http://www.stark.kent.edu/~cearley/ChemWrld/ChemWrld.htm
Introductory chemistry course includes quantitation, naming compounds, and chemical reactions. From Clarke Earley, Kent State University at Stark.

Chemistry Learning Center http://learn.chem.vt.edu/index.html
General chemistry tutorials, exercises, and reviews. From Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Chemistry Place http://www.chemplace.com/
Tutorials and reviews. Requires paid subscription.

Chemistry Tutorial http://www.biology.arizona.edu/biochemistry/tutorials/chemistry/main.html
Basic concepts relevant to biology from the University of Arizona.

Chemistry Tutoring Center http://saber.towson.edu/~ladon/
Explanation of atomic structures, balancing equations, organic and inorganic reactions, and stereochemistry. From Liina Ladon, Towson University.

Chemland http://owl.cs.umass.edu/chemland/chemland.html
Lessons and applets from William J. Vining Hartwick College and the University of Massachusetts.

Chemtutor http://www.chemtutor.com/
Online elementary chemistry text. Includes a section on proper study habits.

Chem Web Online http://library.advanced.org/10429/low/indexl.htm
Introductory basics: atomic structure, chemical formulas, gas laws, etc.

Computational Molecular Nanotechnology http://www.nas.nasa.gov/Groups/SciTech/nano/index.html
Atomic scale manipulation of matter in computing and space flight. From the Numerical Aerospace Simulation Facility at NASA Ames Research Center.

Computer-Aided Learning Tutorials http://nitec.dcu.ie/~chemlc/CAL2.html
Includes inorganic and physical chemistry. From University College Cork.

Computer-Assisted Learning in Chemistry http://members.aol.com/ChangChem/
Modules range from introductory (atoms and molecules) to advanced (reaction mechanisms) levels. From Leigh Oldfield.

Concept of the Week http://www.yk.psu.edu/~jhb3/cotw.htm
Itemized treatment of the basics. From Pennsylvania State University at York.

Death Test Site http://www.page-crafter.com/deathtest/index.html
Preparation for exams in acid and base chemistry and equilibrium. From Samuel S. Stake and Benjamin H. Jackson.

Digital Text Materials http://www.sfu.ca/chemed/digtexts.html
Detailed general chemistry text chapters from Professor Stephen Lower of Simon Fraser University. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Elements http://nobel.scas.bcit.bc.ca/resource/ptable/elementsalpha.htm
Brief outline of each element's history and chemistry. From the British Columbia Institute of Technology.

Environmental Chemistry http://www.rpi.edu/dept/chem-eng/Biotech-Environ/acsenvir/title.htm
Lessons also include biochemistry and general chemistry material. From Henry Bungay, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Erik's Chemistry http://members.tripod.com/eppe/index.htm
Advanced placement and organic chemistry notes. From Erik Epp, University of Michigan.

Exams Institute http://tigerched.clemson.edu/
Produces high school and college chemistry examinations. From Clemson University, home of the American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Education's Examinations Institute.

Fall of the Electron http://www.sfu.ca/chemcai/AQCHEM/FallElect.html
Understanding the directionality of oxidation-reduction reactions. Also see Fall of the Proton. http://www.sfu.ca/chemcai/AQCHEM/FallProt.html
From Stephen K. Lower, Simon Fraser University.

Frank Virzi's Chemistry Self-Tests http://www.ultranet.com/~fvirzi/chtest.shtml
Multiple choice questions with their answers.

From Caveman to Chemist http://cator.hsc.edu/~kmd/caveman/
A technological march from fire and stone tools to plastics and semiconductors.

Fullerene Science Module http://wunmr.wustl.edu/EduDev/Fullerene/fullerene.html
Background and applications of buckminsterfullerene. From John R. Bleeke and Regina F. Frey, Washington University.

Fundamentals of Chemistry http://science.widener.edu/~svanbram/chem145/lecture.html
Introductory chemistry lecture notes by Scott Van Bramer, Widener University. Also see associated problem sets. http://science.widener.edu/svb/pset/psets.html

General Chemistry http://wwwpub.utdallas.edu/~parr/chm1341/chm1341.html
Lecture notes and answered tests from Chris Parr, University of Texas at Dallas. Also, see the related Introduction to Chemistry. http://www.utdallas.edu/~parr/chm1311/13110606.html

General Chemistry I http://wine1.sb.fsu.edu/chm1045/notes_m.htm
Lecture notes concerning atoms and bonding properties. From Michael Blaber, Florida State University.

General Chemistry ConcepTests http://www.chem.wisc.edu/~concept/general.html
Challenging Q & A from the University of Wisconsin.

General Chemistry Concepts http://edie.cprost.sfu.ca/~rhlogan/gen_chm1.html
Helpful introductory material from scientific notation to molecular structure. From Ralph H. Logan, Dallas County Community College. Also, see Frequently Asked Questions. http://edie.cprost.sfu.ca/~rhlogan/chm_faq.html

General Chemistry Home Companion http://antoine.fsu.umd.edu/chem/senese/101/notes/
Lecture and demonstration outlines for teachers.

General Chemistry Lecture Notes http://chemistry.ohio-state.edu/~grandinetti/teaching/Chem121/lectures/lectures.html
Introductory material from Philip J. Grandinetti, Ohio State University.

General, Organic, and Biochemistry http://ull.chemistry.uakron.edu/genobc/index.html
Lecture slides with brief summations.

Hyperactive Molecules http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/chemical_mime.html
Molecules that rotate, with audio and video clips. From Imperial College, University of London.

Ideal Gas Law http://zebu.uoregon.edu/nsf/piston.html
Java applet illustrating behavior of gases under pressure. From the University of Oregon.

Index to Chemical Education Resources http://www.umsl.edu/~chemist/books/texts.html
Available books (and some reviews) listed by the Journal of Chemical Education.

Internet for Chemists http://prins00.ethz.ch/Internet_for_chemists/
A tour of Internet architecture and chemistry resources. From Vidyadhar Ranade, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich.

Just Ask Antoine! http://antoine.frostburg.edu/HyperNews/get/just-ask-antoine.html
Answers to chemistry questions posed by students.

Learning Matters of Chemistry http://www.knowledgebydesign.com/tlmc/tlmc.html
A reliable source for computer animations and computer-aided instruction.

Life, the Universe, and the Electron http://www.nmsi.ac.uk/on-line/electron/
An appreciation of the centenary of the electron's discovery.

Mark's Chemistry Tutor http://members.xoom.com/mmatthews/chemtutor
Topics necessary for understanding general chemistry.

Math Resources for General Chemistry http://learn.chem.vt.edu/user/long/chemath/chemath.html
From Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

Microscale Gas Chemistry http://mattson.creighton.edu/Microscale_Gas_Chemistry.html
Generation of gases for laboratory demonstrations. From Bruce Mattson, Creighton University.

MIT Biology Hypertextbook [url]http://esg-www.mit.edu:8001/esgbio/7001main.html[/url]
Background to chemistry and biochemistry. From the Experimental Study Group, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Mole and Atomic Theory http://www.pascalpress.com.au/chmlatth.shtml
Lecture notes from John Bullivant, Sydney University.

Molecular Modeling http://www2.gasou.edu/chemdept/general/molecule/
Lewis structure, Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory. From Brenda Wojciechowski and Paul Cerpovicz, Georgia Southern University.

Molecular Model Rendering Techniques http://scsg9.unige.ch/fln/eng/toc.html
Explores representations of atoms, molecules, surfaces, crystals, etc.

Molecular Models http://www.eosc.osshe.edu/chemweb/molmodel/mmp3.html
Bonds, bonding angles, and molecular shapes. From Anna Cavinato and David Camp, Eastern Oregon University.

Molecule of the Month http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/Chemistry/MOTM/motm.htm
Some visualizations require Chime, Java, or VRML capability. From Paul May, University of Bristol.

Molecules of the Month http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/motm/
Multimedia presentations from Karl Harrison, Oxford University.

Molecules of the Month http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/motm/
Computer representations from Henry Rzepa (Imperial College) and Paul May (Bristol University).

Nanotechnology Gallery http://www.ipt.arc.nasa.gov/gallery.html
Graphics depicting uses of atomic scale machines. From the Integrated Product Team on Devices and Nanotechnology, NASA Ames Research Center.

Natural Sciences Pages http://web.jjay.cuny.edu/~acarpi/NSC/index.htm
From atoms and molecules to cells and solar systems. From Anthony Carpi, John Jay College of the City University of New York.

Nature of Physical Science http://www.hcc.hawaii.edu/hcconline/sci122/SciTV.html
Online course progresses from history of scientific ideas to laboratory work. From Richard C. Brill, Honolulu Community College.

New Solvent: Supercritical Fluid http://www.kobelco.co.jp/eneka/p14/sfe01.htm
Reactions of plastic waste with supercritical water. From Kobe Steel, Ltd.

Nuclear Data Dissemination http://ie.lbl.gov/toi.htm
Information on atomic masses, decay, fission, nuclear structure. From Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Lunds Universitet.

Online Chemistry Resource Center http://nobel.scas.bcit.bc.ca/resource/index.htm
Includes activity series of metals, rules for solubilities of ionic compounds, rules for assigning oxidation numbers. From the British Columbia Institute of Technology.

Oxidation/Reduction http://naio.kcc.hawaii.edu/chemistry/redox_title.html
Concepts needed to understand electron transfer reactions. From Kapiolani Community College.

Particle Adventure http://particleadventure.org/
Required reading for understanding the Standard Model.

Periodic Table - Not Just A Work Of Art! http://www.owlnet.rice.edu/~chem121/lab/periodic1/
The periodic table and the reactivity of metals. From Mary E. R. McHale, Rice University.

pH in Plain Language http://www.ph.co.za/ph_in_plain_language.html
Acid and base measurements and functions of a pH meter. From the Phoenix Electrode Company.

Polarity of Molecules Tutorial http://chrs1.chem.lsu.edu/lucid/tutorials/polarity/tutorial.html
Rules used for distinguishing polar from non-polar molecules. From Louisiana State University.

Practical Chemistry and Physics http://users.foxvalley.net/~chemengr/
Tutorials on electrochemistry, pH, and organic reactions from a chemical engineer.

Primer on Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins http://crisceb.area.na.cnr.it/angelo/petrilli/summary.htm
Including general chemistry, biochemistry, organic chemistry, spectroscopy, and analytical chemistry. From Pasquale Petrilli, Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II."

Principles in Chemistry http://www.cm.utexas.edu/~laude/
CH301 and CH302 lecture notes from University of Texas at Austin.

Principles of Chemistry http://vax1.bemidji.msus.edu/~chemistry/CHEMHOME.HTML
Introductory chemistry, chemical thermodynamics, and transition metal chemistry. From Bemidji State University, Itasca Community College, and Rainy River Community College.

Principles of Modern Chemistry http://www.science.nus.edu.sg/~webchm/1101/cm1101courseoutln.htm
Syllabus and class notes. From National University of Singapore.

Raw.Chemistry http://sac.uky.edu/~achan2/chem/
Sound introduction from a chemical engineering student.

Regents Chemistry Lecture Notes http://home.earthlink.net/~resonance/lecturenote.htm
Brief, fundamental concepts found in general chemistry.

Relative Concentrations of Complex Species http://www.chem.usu.edu/faculty/sbialkow/Classes/3600/alpha/alpha.html
Calculation of common ion equilibrium problems. From Stephen Bialkowski, Utah State University.

sci.chem FAQ http://www.orang-utan.com/
HTML version of queries to the Usenet discussion group. The Internet FAQ Consortium : http://www.faqs.org/
provides a searchable entry to these sci.chem FAQs.

Science of Particle Physics http://www.fnal.gov/pub/hep_descript.html
Fermilab's introduction to the Standard Model.

Scuba Physics ( A hobby of mine) http://www.aquaholic.com/gasses/laws.htm
Gas Laws tutorial from the perspective of the scuba diver.

Sheffield ChemPuter http://www.shef.ac.uk/chemistry/chemputer/
Calculators determine element percentages, isotope patterns, and more.

SMILES Tutorial http://www.daylight.com/dayhtml/smiles/smiles-intro.html
Fundamentals of Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification.

STEP PreChemistry http://stuaff.ucdavis.edu/LSC/chem./JimSTEP/Folder_directory.html
Introductory principles. From Jim Hollister, University of California at Davis.

Structure, Kinetics, and Equilibrium http://www.chem.brown.edu/chem31/
Lecture notes and problem sets from Brown University.

Tanner's Topics http://www.tannerm.com/index.htm
Explanations in general chemistry, electrochemistry, and physical chemistry from Tanner McCarron.

Titration Simulator (Pay ATTENTION!) http://yip5.chem.wfu.edu/yip/java/titrate.html
Java applet illustrating acid-base titrations. From Yue-Ling Wong.

Topic Oriented Approach Development http://www.chem.wisc.edu/~newtrad/CurrRef/TOAHome/topics.html
Chemistry taught through real world topics. From the University of Wisconsin.

Tutorials, Drills, and Quizzes for General Chemistry http://antoine.fsu.umd.edu/chem/senese/101/tutorials/
Complete lecture notes for teachers and students.

Uncertainty in Measurements http://antoine.fsu.umd.edu/cgi-bin/senese/tutorials/sigfig/index.cgi
Online tutorial explaining significant figures.

Usenet Chem FAQs http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/sci/chem-faq/top.html
Sci.chem: how to use this newsgroup, and some information that is available on it.

Van der Waals Forces and Hydrogen Bonds http://www.wpi.edu/~carruth/ph1121.html
Material from Grover A. Swartzlander, Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

Virtual Chemistry Lab http://www.acp.edu/genchem/thedisk/main.htm
Experiments and explanations of the chemical reactions involved in biochemistry, general chemistry, organic chemistry, and spectroscopy. From David W. Clarke, Albany College of Pharmacy.

Virtual Classroom http://ull.chemistry.uakron.edu/classroom.html
Slides and syllabi used in undergraduate and graduate level chemistry courses. Topics include biochemistry, analytical, general, and organic chemistry. From University of Akron.

Visualization and Problem Solving for General Chemistry http://www.chem.purdue.edu/gchelp/
States of matter, solving thermodynamics problems, and molecular modeling using Chime and HyperChem. From William R. Robinson and John J. Nash, Purdue University.

Welcome to Chemistry http://www.cs.stedwards.edu/~wright/text/chem.html
Atoms and their properties. From St. Edward’s University, Austin, Texas.

What is pH? (Pay Attention) http://www.innovativesensors.com/ph.asp
Concise presentation provided by Innovative Sensors, Inc.

Wintergreen Candy and Other Triboluminescent Materials (Hobby of mine) http://www.towson.edu/~sweeting/wg/candywww.htm
Luminescent phenomena and explanations. From Linda M. Sweeting, Towson University.

Wonderful World of Atoms and Nuclei http://www-aix.gsi.de/~demo/wunderland/englisch/Inhalt.html
Superheavy atom production from the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany.

World Chemistry http://www.intschool-leipzig.com/bailey/home/
Chemistry courses, definitions, Java applets, and molecules. From the Leipzig International School, Germany.

World of Carbon http://enpc1644.eas.asu.edu/Carbon/tabcont.htm
Properties, bonding characteristics, allotropes, applications. From Arizona State University.

World of Materials http://www-dmse.mit.edu/wom/
Metals, semiconductors, ceramics, and others. From MIT.

I hope
you will all enjoy this treasure, and take good care of the knowledge you will accumulate.
Only so little text, but so much knowledge, all given by THE GLOBAL INTERNET. LT/

Much more interesting coming, stay tuned!

(Wizard Master)
07-06-00 05:47
No 25331
      Re: Chem Dictionary  Bookmark   


(Hive Bee)
07-08-00 21:15
No 26355
      Re: Chem Dictionary  Bookmark   

Here's the link to the much longer original thread on the old board.  There's about once again as many links as in the reposted initial post of LaBTop above (by Xochipilli)

Post 123835 (LaBTop: "All the Chemistry links you may need. LT/", Newbee Forum)

07-08-00 22:35
No 26373
      Re: Chem Dictionary  Bookmark   

If there are any broken links here, PM me and I'll try to take care of it.

The best of the rest:
Moderator posted 02-13-2000 06:41 AM          
The Online Merck chemicals catalog, beware, it's much deeper then you think at first glance:

Merck Chemicals and Laboratory Supplies http://www.merck.de/english/services/index_bottom_catalog.htm
Online catalog of special and fine chemicals from Merck, Germany. Searchable by name, CAS number, or chemical formula.

Example search:


First click on the main Merck page:
Search Keywords / Shortcuts
and you come at an index page, at the top the alfabet and the numbers 0 to 9. Under them rolls off the product list, starting with A.
You click the letter C . Another list comes up.
Now you proceed in the list to:

D(-)-Camphor and click:

SHOW PRODUCT GROUP MEMBERS in front of: D(-)-Camphor , and:

102166 (+)-Camphor refined powder DAB,BP 88,USP
109656 D-Camphor reference substance for gas chromatography comes up.

click 109656 and you come here:

109656 D-Camphor reference substance for gas chromatography
CLICK here for Structural formula
Formula Hill:C10H16O
Categories of danger: highly flammable, irritant
Hazard signs: F Xi

Molar mass: 152.24 g/mol
Density: 0.99 g/cm3 (20 °C)
CAS number: 464-49-3
EINECS: 207-355-2
HS Code: 2914 21 00
Storage class (VCI): 4.1 B (Flammable solid materials (EC method A10))
Packing-category: A
WGK: 1 (Slightly water polluting substance)
Disposal: 3
Poison class CH: 3 (Strong toxins)
R Phrase: R 11-36/37/38

Group-ID Item is an element of the Group:
Show Product-Family Members D(-)-Camphor
Show Product-Group Members Reference substances for gas chromatography
Show Key-Word Members Reference substances Miscellaneous; The reference substances are packed in screw-top glass bottles. An actual batch chromatogram is included in each package.

Then you get the above extensive property sheet, where you can click numerous other indicator tabs.

Other Chemical Catalogs Online:

Eastman Products http://www.eastman.com/prod/prodmenu.htm
Chemicals, fibers, and plastics from Eastman Chemical Company.

Fisher Chemical Catalog [url]http://www.fishersci.com/catalogs/fcathiertabndhtml.jhtml;$sessionid$DD211UAAACBRKCWIZABAAAA?catalogParamId=842226&catalogParamType=CT&catalogParamView=norm&catalogPa[/url] ramBrowsingPath=839806:R:All+Catalogs
Liquids, drys, organics, inorganics, solvents, acids, standards, buffers, diagnostics, and stains for laboratory applications.

MetaXchem Chemicals http://www.chemie.de/metaxchem/searchframe.php3?search=chem
From Chemie.de, search chemicals or compounds from 12 suppliers and other online databases. See also the introduction: http://www.chemie.de/metaxchem/
to this metasearch engine.

Ozone Applications http://www.ozotech.com/APPLICATIONS/APPS.HTML
From OZOTECH, INC., applications of ozone and basic explanation on how and why it might be used.

Shell Chemicals http://www2.shellchemical.com/CMM\WEB\GlobChem.NSF/ChemicalNames?OpenView&Count=200
Aromatics, glycols, olefins and derivatives, phenols, solvents, polystyrene, PET, propylene oxide, urethane chemicals, additives, polymers, elastomers, polybutylene, resins. Shell also provides online literature: http://www2.shellchemical.com/CMM\WEB\GlobChem.NSF/LitChemName?OpenView&Count=200
about their products.

Sigma-Aldrich Fine Chemicals
Search by product name, CAS number, or full text in the database of the largest provider of research chemicals in the world. Free registration required for pricing information.

Synthetic Organic Chemicals, United States Production and Sales, 1994 http://www.usitc.gov/wais/reports/arc/w2933.htm
Report of the U.S. International Trade Commission on production and sales of chemicals and the raw materials from which they are made. Good source of manufacturers and suppliers. ASCII format, 250 kB.

VWR Chemical Catalog http://www.vwrsp.com/catalog/chemlist/
Alphabetical catalog of chemicals from different suppliers. A Search Form is also available.

Digging around in these catalogs can be from an enormous educational value, on your road to freedom of mind and body.
Use it wisely. LT/


Moderator posted 02-13-2000 08:56 AM          
Forgot a few catalogs:

Chemicals and Raw Materials

Acros Organics [url]http://www.fishersci.com/catalogs/fcathiertabndhtml.jhtml;$sessionid$DD211UAAACBRKCWIZABAAAA?catalogParamId=942471&catalogParamType=AT&catalogParamView=norm&catalogPa[/url] ramBrowsingPath=839806:R:All+Catalogs
Product information for more than 15,000 fine chemicals, including catalysts, chiral compounds, deuterated solvents, and organometallic reagents. Searchable by product name, molecular formula, CAS registry number, or product catalog number.

BASF Industrial Chemicals http://www.basf.de/basf/html/e/produkte/gebiete/ci/home.htm
Plasticizers and plasticizer raw materials, solvents, glues and resins.

BASF Product Index http://www.basf.de/basf/html/e/produkte/prodverz/suche.htm
Search by product names, international terminologies, trivial names, and field-dependent terms related to a product.

Buyer's Guide Inorganic Chemicals http://www2.chemicalonline.com/Content/BuyersGuide/DrillDown/buyers_guide.asp?CategoryId=570&ParentId=0
From Chemical Online, listings and company profiles of manufacturers and suppliers of inorganic chemicals. There are similar listings for Organic Chemicals: http://www2.chemicalonline.com/Content/BuyersGuide/DrillDown/buyers_guide.asp?CategoryId=567&ParentId=0
and for Catalysts And Process Chemicals: http://www2.chemicalonline.com/Content/BuyersGuide/DrillDown/buyers_guide.asp?CategoryId=572&ParentId=0

ChemConnect Chemical Suppliers http://www.chemconnect.com/directory/index.html
Directory that can be searched for specific companies, suppliers of a specific chemical product, or companies that provide custom manufacturing services.

Chemcyclopedia '99 http://pubs.acs.org/chemcy/
Electronic edition of the supplement to Chemical & Engineering News which lists commercially available chemicals. Includes available grades and forms, packaging and containers, applications and end uses, and special handling requirements.

Chemical Supplier Directory http://www.chem.com/directory/
Searchable directory of over 500 chemical suppliers.

Chemical Week Buyer's Guide http://www.chemweek.com/tools/BuyersGuide/bg_search.lasso
Searchable database of companies, products, and tradenames. Note that you need to register: http://www.chemweek.com/buyersguide/bg_registration.lasso
to get a password.

Coal, Coke, and Related Chemical Products http://www.usitc.gov/wais/reports/arc/w2945.htm
Report of the U.S. International Trade Commission with information regarding product uses, U.S. and foreign producers, and U.S. and foreign markets. Published 1996, Adobe PDF format, 200 kB.

Crescent Chemicals http://www.creschem.com/product.mv
US distributor of analytical reference standards, Karl Fischer reagents and titrators, biochemicals, electrophoresis consumables and instruments, and fine organic and inorganic chemicals.

Current Price Indications http://www.allchem.com/price.html
From AllChem Industries, price indications for bulk chemicals based upon recent transactions.

Dow Caustic Soda Products [url]http://www.dow.com/cgi-bin/frameup.cgi?http://www.dow.com/causticsoda/product.htm%5B/url]
Information, applications, physical properties, sales specification sheets, and material safety data sheets.

Dow Heat Transfer Fluids [url]http://www.dow.com/cgi-bin/frameup.cgi?http://www.dow.com/heattrans/homefinderhea.html%5B/url]
Synthetic organic fluids, silicone fluids, glycol-based fluids. Search by name, application, or industry.

That's it. LT/

Has the most complete collection of online US patents I've seen (all of them!). (Thanks to Ymir).

More patents: http://www.patents.ibm.com/
(use two underscores: __ ,at the end of a patentnr, or it will stuck)
The (German) patents go back to 1921 at least. The database covers Europe....and US Pat's at least back to the '40s! (Thanks to Epikur).
Chemicals finder.


Moderator posted 02-16-2000 07:17 PM          


Moderator posted 02-16-2000 07:31 PM          
Download the vivoplay software ( http://www.vivo.com ), and watch the vivos. And you'll see some good information on setting up glassware and performing various techniques. (Thanks to Chromic).


Dick Fitzbetter
Member posted 02-16-2000 11:14 PM          
Woah, serious chemical information overload:


Classic organic rxn list, w/pics & journal refs for each:


Medline/Bilstein Netfire search engines:


Learn the shocking truth about the world's deadliest solvent:


And just because:


Moderator posted 02-18-2000 04:18 AM          
Yahoo-search chemistry sites
Multilingual chemistry dictionaries online
JCE Software CD-ROM and Video Issues
Study Guides International
Beilstein OnLine Login +
Beilstein Abstracts Browsing +
Beilstein Abstracts Searching +
Beilstein Abstracts +
ChemWeb.com-Help-Databases = Beilstein
VTC Online University with quicktime video's
WWWolfe CHM1046L Laboratory Links
Welcome to PubMed
UIC Science Library
Info Sources
DriverGuide.com (printer drivers, cdrom drivers, modem drivers, sound drivers, mouse drivers, monitor drivers, etc.)
Windows 95/98 Software
The Explosives and Weapons Forum - (powered by the Ultimate Bulletin Board).
This one to protect yourself against all those idiots out there, pay attention to non deadly homemade weaponry.
WWW Psychedelic Bibliography Instructions +
WWW Psychedelic Bibliography
http://home.ici.net/~hfevans/reactions.htm Organic reactions
http://www.chem.ucla.edu/chempointers.html The World-Wide Web Virtual Library Chemistry
ChemFinder Searching
Martindale's Chemistry
Hive l i n k s
Internet Drug Resources
Laboratory Equipment Online
Hey_man Links +
Hey_man Home


Sooner or later we'll be dancing with ourselves.