phaidon (Stranger)
05-13-00 02:28
No 3500
      Foxy and the angel of light...  Bookmark   

Fellow bees!

In the Foxy (5-Meo-DiPT, but I think bee should know that by now) primer on the Lycaeum it sez':

DPT and Foxy form a powerful synergy, only to be undertaken by experienced psychonauts.

Any comments on that one? Sounds good to me, certainly worth a tick.


-- phaidon, son of apollon

I scorched the Earth, now what do I do tomorrow?
05-13-00 07:30
No 3600
      Re: Foxy and the angel of light...  Bookmark   

FOAF thinks they go very well together.  FOAF finds the two very similar to begin with, but with a 5meodipt plateau, a bump of DPT is much more powerful.  DPT combines well with virtually everything, though, so it's no surprise.

(Hive Bee)
06-10-00 03:26
No 16048
      Re: Foxy and the angel of light...  Bookmark   

"Angel of Light..." ummmmmmm... are you referring to Angel Trumpets? Oh god! Those are some wicked wicked wicked flowers! I drank a liter of tea boiled from about twenty of these things.... was gone for two days... felt like a dream, I mean I really did not know what was real and what was not.... most of it I can't remember, but if you're interested you can read my story "Angel (DEVIL!!!) Trumpets" on The Couch board... do a search cuz I posted it a while ago...

(Hive Bee)
06-10-00 15:00
No 16228
      Re: Foxy and the angel of light...  Bookmark   


Angel of Light refers to DPT, not to Solanaceae type plants, e.g. Brugmansia (= Engelstrompete,
"Angel's Trumpet"). Thanks but I'm not a tropane type of person. If I were you I'd stay away from


-- phaidon, son of apollon

I scorched the Earth, now what do I do tomorrow?
(Hive Bee)
06-10-00 16:03
No 16240
      Re: Foxy and the angel of light...  Bookmark   

Ahhh... thanx for clearing that up... as for staying away from them, I'm WAY ahead of you... didja read my story? That trip is NOT something I'd want to repeat... I did try the the tea on two other occasions (just cuz I had 2 2L bottles full of it) and I drank a much smaller dose both times. Interestingly enough, the only effects I felt were headache, blurred vision (I went cross-eyed for an hour), and dry mouth (VERY dry)...
  It seems you can only go all the way or not at all with these things...

06-11-00 10:59
No 16431
      Re: Foxy and the angel of light...  Bookmark   

Done that. It works.
Took only 6mgs foxy, light trip not much, then as i was coming down i insuff 60mg DPT tastes like the worst ass you can imagine.  Effects were interesting.  I had to get in the shower to cleanse the awful taste and prevent myself from puking.
Let me put it this way, the hot water had me pinned to the floor!!! nuf said

My first experience with foxy, took 16mgs, first trip in 2 years, it sure made a mind race. ;)