PsychoWillie (Stranger)
08-21-00 14:04
No 43633
      Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

Woo-hoo!  'tis your ol' buddy Willie back with another stupid question.  The character in my book, tentavely titled, The Scrape Clink Clack of Chambering My Round as I Wait to Blow Your Ass Up, (I're all drooling with anticipation for me to post a few sample chapters huh?  Well, I can imagine I suppose...) is a highly intelligent person with several years of chemistry expeirence under her belt.  I was wondering if the LSA content of Morning Glory seeds varied from type to type. 

My apologies if this has been answered before; the search engine is giving me an inactivity timeout...damnit I need a new ISP.

Thankya much,

Psycho Willie

crazyThe hard and strong will never surrendercrazy
(Hive Bee)
08-21-00 14:48
No 43660
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

Im sure that it does but i don't know what the best type is.
Flying Saucers is sure a cool name though :)
(Stranger / Eraser)
08-21-00 20:25
No 43753
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

Alkaloid content does vary from strain to strain and it is generally thought that the Heavenly Blue strain is the most active.

Heavenly Blue, Flying Saucers, Pearly Gates...what exactly inspired these names?
(Hive Bee)
08-22-00 00:09
No 43794
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

Several papers demonstrate that var. "Heavenly Blue" is the only strain worth considering.
08-22-00 05:24
No 43835
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

Maybe that's why the local home and garden store stocks the Heavenly Blues by the case.  They usually don't have any others.

Thankya much...

Psycho Willie

crazyThe hard and strong will never surrendercrazy
(Hive Bee / Eraser)
08-22-00 05:52
No 43840
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

The violacea strain (Heavenly Blue, pearly gates, and flying saucers) is the most potent, purpurea has quite a lower alkaloid content.  In my opinion, it is a lot less expensive and time-consuming to simply work with the massively more potent Hawaiian Baby Woodroses.  Just make sure you take care of the nasty cyanide coating.

control for smilers can't be bought
(Hive Bee)
08-22-00 10:34
No 43894
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

What method have you used to effectively remove the Cyanide coating? 
I have read several ingestion methods, just looking for a bee's first hand experience.

Hey anyone else can answer, i don't want to limit this question to Lysergic
(Hive Bee)
08-23-00 16:55
No 44391
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

I used water and a hard scrubbing brush to get the shit off mixed with a little fairy liquid then several washes with water and it works fine. I then did a simple alkoloid extraction and me and companions took the remenants which stank some but we flew i'll tell u.

although many have tried in their quest, only the few do it for the sheer joy of making!

(Hive Bee / Eraser)
08-23-00 18:10
No 44412
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

anyone have any ideas as to how many "doses" a half oz. of hawaiian's would yield(approx.)?

born cross-eyed....tongue
(Newbee / Eraser)
08-23-00 18:43
No 44429
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

heavenly blues or pearly gates

"Drugs are for ....Kids ? Hugs are for Thugs ?" (said in a cute inocient voice)
(Newbee / Eraser)
08-23-00 18:45
No 44430
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

i read long time ago 3 seeds would do the trick from hawiian baby woodrose. but that was awhile back on ... let me think, yea in the vautls ewdin. btw did you order them online? if so will you PM the place.

"Drugs are for ....Kids ? Hugs are for Thugs ?" (said in a cute inocient voice)
(Newbee / Eraser)
08-23-00 18:46
No 44433
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

hey it takes a hell -of-alot  morning glory seeds to make a hit of lsa! it would be cheap to buy the good stuff!

"Drugs are for ....Kids ? Hugs are for Thugs ?" (said in a cute inocient voice)
08-24-00 04:52
No 44670
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

Who said anything about buying?  If my character bought LSD as opposed to extracting LSA, her profit margin would diminish and then I wouldn't have a whole heck of a lot to write about. 

I think that I'm gonna have her stick to the morning glory seeds, as opposed to the hawaiians.  Well...hell, I dunno.  First I thought she was gonna be a mdma cook...then I was thinking I'm still toying with the idea of LSA derivatives.  Maybe she'll cook crack in her bowling shoes every other thursday and sell it to her inner-city school children.

Psycho Willie

crazyThe hard and strong will never surrendercrazy
08-25-00 16:45
No 45294
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

Every single member of the convulvacea plant family (no joke!) contains lysergic acids. There are a lot of common weedy morning glories growing in waiste areas that are just as strong as woodroses (without the cyanide!). I found a bush morning glory in texas that looks like a mallow that has lots of seed pods and furry seeds; The fur is very easy to scrape off and has no toxins. But 8 seeds knocked me over. It was like 3 hits of really good acid. You can experiment with all morning glories. PS.....I honestly think that the convulvacea family would be a great place to look for naturally occuring lsd.
(Hive Bee)
08-26-00 09:32
No 45514
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

In the uk we have somthing very similar. Heart shaped leaves with a white flower but i am not to sure if these are a morning glory variety and i need to know what to look for the flowers are trumpet like and like i said the leaves are the traditional heart shapes.

although many have tried in their quest, only the few do it for the sheer joy of making!

(arr fuckin)
08-26-00 20:39
No 45775
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

yep there mg plats :)
Annual vine with ovate, deeply cordate leaves 3-4 inches long and 3/4-3 inches wide. The trumpet-shaped flowers vary from white to red, purple, blue, or violet-blue. The ovoid fruit is about 1/2 inch in length and bears elongate, angular black seeds.

take from teh site blow
u can also check  this url for pis's man
there u blow

arr, where would the world be with out my 
12 gauge :)
arrr fuckin ,, I KILL him
(Hive Bee)
08-27-00 00:31
No 45869
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

You prolly ate baby woodroses cause i ate a shit load of morning glories and it wasn't all that.
(Hive Bee / Eraser)
08-27-00 19:44
No 46130
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

woodroses growing wild in texas???  well i'm assuming what he ate was wild, but you know what they say about assuming.

born cross-eyed....tongue
09-02-00 17:07
No 48262
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

the bush morning glory i would assume is Ipomoea carnea (aka I. fistulosa). "pearly gates" variety of I. tricolor (I. violacea) has more alkaloids than heavenly blues, flying saucers, blue stars, or wedding bells. more info in schultes and hoffman's plants of the gods.
09-05-00 09:18
No 49014
      Re: Morning Glory seeds...  Bookmark   

hbwr 1/2 oz ---> 14 doses (assuming 1 dose ~ 1 gram seeds ~ 8-12 seeds/dose...)

don't you folks ever sleep?