baalchemist (Hive Bee / Eraser)
10-07-00 09:49
No 57971
      Extraction Success  Bookmark   

SWIM received some mailorder Desmathus rootbark(250g) the other day and went looking for some dmt, and found it. After a day and a half of extracting,Baalchemist had his first dmt experience after 15 years of hearing about this incredible shit. I just finished about 30 mins of "Holy fuckin shit" hallucinations, all SWIM can say is wow. Had some incredible visions,became very overpowering for about 10 mins. Morphed very far into a very inviting alien landscape,wished I could have stayed longer. Definately ordering 2 lbs of rootbark next time, SWIM wants more. Extraction went quick by cold soaking 1 day,then boiling the next. Defatted the H2O(ph1) extract with Naptha,then basified and extracted with DCM a few times.Ended up with a golden oil ~.7g. Couldnt wait to crystallise,took a small piece of weed and wiped up ~.4g of the oil and smoked a few hits, hit #4 was the clincher. 
(Hive Bee)
10-07-00 22:07
No 58145
      Powder or chunks?  Bookmark   

Did you grind the bark to a powder prior to extraction or just extract it as pieces of bark?

Did you use hydrochloric acid as the acidifying agent?
(Hive Bee / Eraser)
10-07-00 23:52
No 58164
      Re: Powder or chunks?  Bookmark   

Ground it to dust in a coffee grinder,then used H2O acidified to ph1 with Hcl. Cold extracted the first day,then boiled 2x the next day. Defatted H2O extracts with vm&p naptha,basified,then DCM extracted dmt. Encountered a small amount of emulsion which was cleared by using a cotton cloth filter in a buchner to break it up. Ended up with good seperation in the sep funnel as long as it wasnt shaken. Inverting it slowly multiple times is the key it seems.
(Hive Bee)
10-08-00 01:26
No 58182
      Re: Powder or chunks?  Bookmark   

Did you use pH paper or a meter?
(Hive Bee / Eraser)
10-08-00 10:04
No 58291
      Re: Powder or chunks?  Bookmark   

SWIM used some red cabbage papers for ph testing. It doesnt take much Hcl to get to 1. Next time SWIM will boil only during extraction. SWIM found the boiled extractions produced the larger portions of dmt in considerably less time. I'm interested in discussing the dmt experience with others. SWIM had quite a profound trip, unlike any other psychadelics. Still trying to sort the whole ordeal out,keep thinking there was some kind of significance behind the visions.  
(arr fuckin)
10-08-00 13:44
No 58332
      Re: Powder or chunks?  Bookmark   

so u jsut wacked how much fuckin oil?
arr fuckin also u could jsut toke the oil right eh?

arr, where would the world be with out my 
12 gauge :)
arrr fuckin ,, I KILL him
10-08-00 20:44
No 58394
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   

smile DMT has a low melting point of 47 - 74°C and is difficult to crystallize. Often it has a waxy consistency and becomes oily at somewhat elevated temperatures.
(arr fuckin)
10-09-00 00:04
No 58431
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   

dose any body fuckin know how much of this wax fuckin stuff is teh right dose?
umm fuckin yeah man umm low melting point fuckin
what about wack it in teh frizer would that help ir cristlise or fuck it up ana

arr, where would the world be with out my 
12 gauge :)
arrr fuckin ,, I KILL him
(Hive Bee)
10-09-00 00:17
No 58435
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   

See any jaguars?

(arr fuckin)
10-09-00 10:49
No 58558
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   

ello fuckin how dose fuckin mesure out an oil/wax crap fuckin
with no scale fuckin

arr, where would the world be with out my 
12 gauge :)
arrr fuckin ,, I KILL him
(Hive Bee)
10-10-00 06:50
No 58837
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   

I thought the jaguars came from Banisteriopsis caapi.

God damn you are ugly
(Hive Bee / Eraser)
10-10-00 13:17
No 58893
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   

Smith; Yes! seen a couple Jaguar like creatures off to the right side, and a golden lions head further down. Floated up to the Lion's head and it suddenly opened its eyes and opened its mouth. Strange,but the mouth was an entrance to another sector or chamber. Couldnt get close enough to it to see what was in there or enter it. A friend said that SWIM needs to read the Tibetian book of the dead, may have some insight into the symbolism aspect of the visions.
(Hive Bee)
10-23-00 16:02
No 62644
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   

about discussing NN-dmt...
fucking crazy!
a 1000 mic acid trip for 10 minuites!
check out what terrance has to say about it!
(Hive Addict)
10-23-00 20:36
No 62665
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   

Now try it with some MAOI and you'll be able to be there much longer. And yes it makes a difference if you use Bansisteriopsis Caapi instead of Peganum Harmala. Must be the tetrahydro stuff... Caapi is *ENERGY* and jungle (yes I could understand the whole jungle thing quite good with the vine) while I find higher doses of rue to be very annoying.
Seen no jaguars though. But I wasn't *that* far out, I didn't take the MAOI and DMT seperately so a good part of it was digested.


(Hive Bee / Eraser)
10-28-00 12:58
No 64303
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   

Psyloxy; Which is a more preferable MAOI for DMT rue or caapi? Subsequent experiences have been to say the least, extremely profound. Recently, flights of ascension have been achieved,and I seem to pass through this golden pyramid type structure to a place of complete serenity. It getting better everytime,gaining more control of the interactions that are occuring,and less chaotic as at first.   
10-30-00 03:15
No 64807
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   

I gave my girlfriend 800 mics of acid And she said: I´m amused, but i´mnot impressed.
Give me some of your mushrooms instead.
acid isn't that great
(Hive Addict)
10-30-00 03:32
No 64813
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   

Definately Caapi. I got mine as a free sample (100g!!) from maya.

(Hive Bee / Eraser)
11-04-00 14:48
No 66585
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   

Low and behold with a little research,Baalchemist discovers 3 DMT containing plants species co-habitating his 6 acre country hideaway. So today I picked about 10 lbs of Phalaris arund. & Phragmites aust. The reported alkoloid contents arent nearly as high as mimosa or desmanthus,but its bountiful and free for the taking. 
11-05-00 03:47
No 66688
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   


I found a site on the net that is selling 5-MEO-DMT and DIPT. I've read that 5-MEO-DMT is legal and works just like DMT. Is there a catch here that I'm missing? I've always wanted to try DMT, being a psychonaut for some time with good old LSD. Here is the URL: http://censored

...look under PURE COMPOUNDS. Anyone else know about 5-Meo-DMT? Thanks.

Dissociatives Opioids Psychedelics Entheogens
------DOPE-----=( ProxYuk )=-----DOPE------
(Hive Bee)
11-05-00 04:25
No 66694
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   

Try here at the Lycaeum - Forums - Trip Reports.

Use the search engine there to search for "5-meo" or "dipt" and you will find lots of stuff.

DIPT, DPT, 5-MeO-DIPT are legal to possess and sell as long as the chemical is not intended for use as a drug.
(Hive Bee)
11-05-00 23:04
No 66908
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   

ProxYux:  N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and 5-MeO-DMT aren't very similar in effects, or at least not according to published trip reports I've read (I've only tried the N,N- myself). 5-Meo is supposed to be much less visual, dose is a lot smaller, and it has lots of body load. And I remember reading more than once where the person trying it thought it was okay, just to see what it was about, but they wouldn't want to do it again...

Whereas people trying the N,N- generally say: "WOW!"
(irritable and cranky)
11-06-00 06:51
No 67004
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   

ProxYux! Do not post sources!

Which part do you not understand?

Do not? Post? or Sources?

Wanna do the rumpy pump?
11-06-00 17:48
No 67120
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   

Sorry about posting the source. I wasn't aware it's a "no-no". Won't happen again. shocked

As far as n,n,DMT & 5-meo-DMT this something that is overcome by increasing the dosage of the 5-meo?

Dissociatives Opioids Psychedelics Entheogens
------DOPE-----=( ProxYuk )=-----DOPE------
11-07-00 17:16
No 67393
      Re: Extraction Success  Bookmark   

nope, the two experiences are just qualititively different...

don't you folks ever sleep?