sparks (Stranger)
10-30-00 02:43
No 64799
      crystalising psilocybin/cin  Bookmark   

I´m just about starting anew batch of shrooms.
I´ve been thinking about this a bit.
I have done some extracts in alkohol (etoh) but newer crystalised it, can it be done?
Can it be smoked,snorted etc. ?
10-30-00 23:07
No 65046
      Re: crystalising psilocybin/cin  Bookmark   

AFOAF extracted the goodies via metho (anhydrous) and attempted to crystalise. Got red/brown substance that would never quite dry, some kind of waxy residue from the cheap metho perhaps????

Never had experience with snorting but would not think it would be an ideal ingestion method. As for smoking, well the goodies get degraded by heat so I don't know how much of a dis-service you would be doing yourself.

AFOAF just takes the red/brown substance (assuming 30% purity) and puts in empty gel cap and it's down the hatch!
03-30-01 03:03
No 181073
      Re: crystalising psilocybin/cin  Bookmark   

you cant smoke psilocybin. Like LSD, heat screws up the molicule!
(Hive Bee / Eraser)
05-04-01 12:08
No 189158
      Re: crystalising psilocybin/cin  Bookmark   

SWIM has found that when extracting psilocybin, a solvent defatting in the beginning is an absolute must or you end up with a bunch of extra useless crap mixed with it. SWIM ends up with a faint golden oil, that will partially crystallize after a few days in a dessicator.
05-11-01 01:25
No 193373
      Re: crystalising psilocybin/cin  Bookmark   

check out rhodiums site (i think this is where swim found the procedure) IT has to do with i think extracting with CHCl3 (chloroform).  don't know the rest.

This is the procedure Hoffman used. I found it over on hyperreal. I had a dream a while back that this worked real well.

                             Dry the mushrooms.
                             - This important step is most likely to cause the greatest
                             loss of yield depending on how it is done.
                             Crush or grind the dried carpophores or mycelium to a powder.

                             Shake and allow to stand (e.g. 30 mins) in chloroform. Use maybe
                             twice the dry weight in solvents at every step, or enough to
                             well cover the powder.

                             Filter and discard the chloroform.

                             SHake the reidue and allow to stand with acetone.

                             Filter and discard the acetone.

                             Shake residue and allow to stand with methanol.
                             Shake residue and allow to stand with methanol.
                             Shake residue and allow to stand with methanol.

                             Discard residue.
                             Combine methanol extracts.

                             Evaporate methanol to dryness, preferably in a vacuum, although
                             low heat will do.
                             This will yield a crude extract containing the active tryptamines,
                             suitable for most purposes.
                             This can be further chromatographed on cellulose etc. to give pure
                             psilocin and psilocybin. The recommended solvents are
                             n-Butanol saturated with water, and n-butanol:acetic acid:water


pleasure through chemistry
08-14-01 00:21
No 204278
      Re: crystalising psilocybin/cin  Bookmark   

you cant smoke psilocybin. Like LSD, heat screws up the molicule!

I also thought this, but Castaneda and others have successfully smoked P. mexicana; are the effects from "smoking" these mushrooms then actually from insufflation?
08-14-01 03:57
No 204326
      Re: crystalising psilocybin/cin  Bookmark   

Psilocin base can be smoked. And Castaneda obviously didn't write about firsthand experiences. His books are fiction, much has been published about that.
08-14-01 11:47
No 204375
      Re: crystalising psilocybin/cin  Bookmark   

Whether or not Castaneda's books are fiction, there are numerous other ethnopharmacological reports of P. mexicana use by smoking...
(Hive Bee)
08-14-01 12:52
No 204384
      Re: crystalising psilocybin/cin  Bookmark   

I'v tryet to smoke the shrooms a couple of times (1-1½g), the only thing I felt was a funny taste  crazy
(Hive Addict)
08-14-01 15:50
No 204415
      Re: crystalising psilocybin/cin  Bookmark   

there are numerous other ethnopharmacological reports of P. mexicana use by smoking...

Where? Anyone with more ethnopharmacological credibility than Castenada?

08-14-01 16:32
No 204430
      Re: crystalising psilocybin/cin  Bookmark   

As far as I know he simply cited primary ethnopharmacological literature, often incorrectly.
(Hive Addict)
08-15-01 09:08
No 204720
      Re: crystalising psilocybin/cin  Bookmark   

Castenada was a good writer of fiction, unfortunately he was supposed to be writing about educational material for his university in order to receive a doctrine or a degree or something along those lines.  "The teachings of Don Juan" was a pretty interesting book to read, but it has plenty of flaws in it.

Drunk driving, that's what I like to do,
I like drunk driving with you.
08-16-01 20:43
No 205177
      Re: crystalising psilocybin/cin  Bookmark   

NO, no no. You've got it all wrong. Don Juan (not Castaneda) didn't smoke his psilos. And I quote:

"Don Juan's procedure to utilize the mushrooms was to let them dry to a fine powder in a small gourd...mixed the fine powder with five other dry plants and produced a mixture for smoking in a pipe...the process of "smoking" consisted of ingesting the fine mushroom powder, which did not incinerate, and inhaling the smoke of the five other plants that made up the mixture."

"A Seperate Reality", pages 6-7.

So, you see, then, that all of you have lousy reading comprehension.

My second favorite organ.
08-16-01 20:55
No 205179
      Re: crystalising psilocybin/cin  Bookmark   

About those "errors", Mr. Joe, I bet your spelling and grammar have

But, I don't mean to be a CRITIC or anything.

Anyway, I found "The Art of Dreaming" to be quite interesting...even though his books tend to be a little fragmented.

My second favorite organ.
(Hive Addict)
08-18-01 01:46
No 205513
      Re: crystalising psilocybin/cin  Bookmark   

I first read carlos's works when I was only 14.  He was not a credible ethnobotanists, but was one interesting fuckin writer.  Why smoke them, they ruin your pipe.  I have only obtained what I believe is placebo effect from smoking them.  I felt a slight stone, but it might have been my mind trying to convince itself that it was effective.

tweekers have speed weenie
09-20-01 16:25
No 215579
      Smokin mush  Bookmark   

I have done this many times, and have known many people who have also.  The effect of smoking fungal matter is light, because of the amount needed to smoke.  I have read from Psilopharm about vaporizing psillocin in a thread about substuted trypt.s a long time ago, that ran through several forums.

Smoked mush trip reports

Today is opposites day.  Everything I say, I mean the opposite.