DjTime (Newbee)
08-25-03 00:55
No 455465
      Firest ever distallation, NITRO. HELP !  Bookmark   

So Im on my way now, newbee starting to fly but needs help
Ok so here is my dilema, I purchased 30% nitro methane
from a hobby shop, Im going to distill it in three seperate
runs. the first run I did which I might add is my FIRST
ever distallation, I had about 750mL of the Methanol/Nitro
in my 1 L RBF. Just like the writeups said MeOH came at 60C
and it stayed that way for about 400mL of distallation, then
slowly the temp rose to around 80C for about 150ml of
distallation, I was expecting around 100C for nitro but it
never got to that until about the last 100ml and then i
changed my flask. In the work up Rhodium states not to
distill nitro to "all dryness" so it doesn't reach it's flash point. There was about 100ml left of some really yellow shit in the flask so i just left it not knowing what "all dryness" means i dint want it to explode on me. Is there still nitro in that yellow shit my fractions at 60C and 100C were both crystal clear. Im sure my setup was right a liebig for cond. Super cold ice water. I used silicone greas at all the joints and no vacuum. but i did use a vacuum adapter. is that ok? My whole question here is when all the MeOH is distilled from the flask being heated should the temp quickly and in a hurry rise to 100C or just go slow? And the only two things listed in my nitro is methly alcohol, and nitro. so anything over 60C is that nitro? All the help would be great. Thanks

(Hive Addict)
08-25-03 02:12
No 455468
      congrats on your first distillation
(Rated as: good read)

You are doing a fractional distillation, correct? That is the recommendation of ../rhodium /mdma.drdrool.html. Then again I don't see how you could have gotten anything to come over at 100C with a simple distillation.

Try reading these threads: Post 193368 (OChem: "Nitromethane distillation probs", Newbee Forum)
Post 107199 (antibody: "Distilling nitromethane questions", Chemistry Discourse)
Post 409914 (experimentalbois: "60% Nitromethane", Newbee Forum)
Post 358515 (Bubbleplate: "Nitromethane Distillation Safety?", Methods Discourse)

and this post: Post 285019 (Rhodium: "Re: Nitromethane shelf life", General Discourse)

Or if you are in a hurry, just keep what came over at 100-102C. That should be pure nitromethane.

It was a good idea to use the vacuum adapter. In fact,, warns against not using one.

You really need to get over your fear of the search engine. Searching for "nitromethane distill*"  gave back numerous useful results, and that was just a search of the subject field. Try the search engine on rhodium's site as well.

Edit: Post 269664 (Chromic: "Re: 30% nitro methane", Chemicals & Equipment) and others seem to indicate that non-fractional distillation is okay. But keep in mind this will leave you with an azeotrope (mixture that cannot be seperated by simple distillation) of methanol/nitromethane.
(Hive Bee)
09-01-03 13:25
No 456706
      ..  Bookmark   

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