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Amphetamin by Radiumhero
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Joined: 08 Mar 2005
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Sat Oct 01, 2005 1:13 pm
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SWirh met a dog in his dream yesterday that told him about a something he heard long ago ....
and suddenly he started cooking ! Well thats what the dog did
He took following chemicals :

Mercurychloride ( Hgcl2)
Dest. H2O
butylamin acetat ( slime )

Thats what the dog did with thise things ..> First of all he meassured about 18 ml
of benzaldehyde and added nitroethan in little exess 20ml
stirred and put in the nice perviously made butylamin acetat ( butylamin +Gaa-~>neutral) swirhs dog put the mixture on a hotplate and cept the tmp at about 100° for 3-4 h , cooled the mixture down to - 20 ° in a freezer
and collected the yellow P2NP xtals via Vacuum filtration ´( the dog told swirh that one also can do it with out vakkum but with little yield loss becaus of the dissolution of P2NP) This will yield depending on the apparatus used ,
about 9-10 g with the first pull those xtals are washed with d. H2O and rextaliced with ipa ( note the dog said the bigger the needles the purer the P2NP)
dthe dog did it preferably 2 times . He got ~ 9 g of pure P2NP in the end

So 4g of the P2NP were put in a 500 ml beaker covered with 80ml GAA
15 ml dest H2O and 40 ml ipa after a little bit of warming all the P2NP dissolved
and 100 mg of HgCl2 were introduced to the mixture , meanwhile 12-14 g alufoil (thick) were folded 4 times and cut in stripes of diffrent sice an average was about 0.5 cm thick . The Al was introduced in portions of 3 g to the Gaa / Ipa /p2NP mixture the first addidtion produced a very exothermic rxn and the dog tried to controll it he succeded by simply not stirring . when the rxn was slowed down the dog used a magnetic stirrbar and added another 3 g of alu ( after about 6 min ) and after 20 min more ( almost all al had dissolved ) the least 6 g ( because of the mixture getting too viscous to stir 30 ml etoh were added during rxn )
the stirring was continued for 2 h more and then basified with NaOH , the dog took about 5 teapoon full of Naoh . His eyes glittered when he saw the freebase being liberated the freebase became a colmplete upper layer above the al sludge
Swirhs dog extracted with ether ( never use white gas ) and thought about what will happen if he added 1 drop of H2So4 99% ? First he washed the ether extract with some wather then he did it and - Woooosh -
the bottom of the beaker was suddenly covered with snow whithe xtals !
he added yuiete alot of those drps until the fizzing sound occuring when the acid hit the ether almost vanished
he decanted off the remaining ether and dried his amine and suddenly recogniced his amin sulfat still smelling from some freebase so he covered with acetone and added some more acid what the dog shouldnt have done ! well he gaind more xtals but now all his xtals got a porky pink color -.- afterthat his xtals didnt smell anymore , but they were pink ... the dog was still whining about that when swirh woke up ....
By the way the dog gained 1.22 g amphetamin sulfat

Last edited by Radiumhero on Sat Oct 01, 2005 4:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Insistent Chemist
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Sat Oct 01, 2005 2:34 pm
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Good right up, did your dog also make pictures?
Anyway just toss the crystals in a beaker and cover with acetone (anhydrous!) and then boil it for 5 minutes and put the beaker in the freezer then decant off the acetone and repeat until your crystals are nice and white.
Works everytime for SWIIce's dog.
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Joined: 08 Mar 2005
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Sat Oct 01, 2005 4:50 pm
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Ye, pictures have been taken but they have so bad quality that uploading would me make feelin ashamed ....
perhaps the next pictures ill make have better quality!
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